Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hello lads.. its been a while since I have said much of anything. An update... Im chubby after thanksgiving.. I did work out this morning. Twas deadlift day. Im wobbly like a newborn on the tippy toes. On other fronts.. I've decided that to make some quid, Im gonna do some strike nursing. Im applying for a California license as we speak. So, I'll cross my fingers. Alyssa is growing like a flipping weed.. "No, I Don't" and "mmmmmmmMY milk..." are her favorite sayings at this point. I'll be amazed if she makes it to 2!! I now fully understand why Male lions eat their offspring... How about nursing you ask? Well... I'm tired of playing with poo... And I am so jaded towards the critical care side now... I had to call to organ procurement team on my last 13 week assignment 8 times. 8 TIMES i had to let them know of an impending death or brain death. The last was a 28 yo girl... wow.... thats all I can say.. So, needless to say, Im taking full advantage of the surgery centers right now... nonsick people for the most part there. Hows yall?

Friday, July 13, 2012

PUUPUU Platter

So, I just got through reading one of the most disgusting, yet overly interesting articles in Critical Care Nurse. The article was titled "Making the case for fecal bacteriotherapy". C, you should ask you physician about this when you get up north. Apparantly, patients that are infected with C. Diff, or clostridium difficile, have amazing bouts of diarrhea (i've witnessed a few of these). Their normal fluora are taken over by the toxins produced by the c. diff, and the cycle begins. Watery diarrhea, painful abd cramps, toxic megacolon, pseudomembranous colitis, all of these are possible. So here's the nasty part... well, other than the tangy diarrhea part... The article states that some infectious disease MDs have taken normal poop outta some poor sap's turd cutter, threw it in a blender with some saline, strained it out, diluted it, then jammed it up the infected persons keyster, and presto!! C.Diff solved!! Who in the name of Zeus' Butthole comes up with something like that?!?!?!?! Amazing stuff really, if you sit back and really think about it. Normal fluora translpanted into a sick one, allowing the healthy bugs to overtake the bad ones. Let me know if either one of you wanna read it. Its quite eye opening. So, on a different note, hows life?? Im gonna get up and go for a bike ride in the am, then some lifting. I woulda done it tonight, but I got a wicked headache. SO, Im bout to go meemees. Talk to yas later. Oh, and congrats on the DEA # c-note!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tuesday Commeth

well... im back in full stride in school again. In order to graduate this december, I had to enroll in two courses this 5 wk term and I have to take a national nursing cert called CEN or Certified Emergency Nurse. Im not sure its going to be all that tough, but it if I pass it counts towards a 4 hour class. So I hope I do pass, or else I wont be graduating this fall. Here's a funny thought. Sandy and I actually chatted about moving back to snyder... you believe that? The whole basis of the conversation was because we have no friends here. We've moved within 12 miles of one couple that we never see. And another friend that I talk to his mom more than I do him. And it's not because I haven't tried contacting him. numerous times. and his sister. or his brother. its quite sad. I know that people have lives outside of me and my interests. Its just really depressing to think that you move within literally spitting distance of someone and you don't talk to them. It would be exactly the same distance if I were to move into ol mister zalman's house right at the end of your driveway and then ceased to speak to you ever again. I'm not sure whether to laugh or well.. just laugh really! ;)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


well, lets see... it is now thurs, april 12th. I am 34 today. I am still in pain after the bike wreck! hehe Nothing is broken, according to xray that I got on tues morning. I got a fistful of vicodin that i intend to pick up today. Needless to say this has thrown a kink into what was to be my workout. At least I can get absolute rest though, for the next four days, without school or work bothering me.

How is everyone else doing? C, are you completely done with escuela?

Thursday, March 22, 2012

thur/fri 22nd/23rd

So I admit its been a while. Not having as much time under the wedding belt hasn't afforded me enough time to gain a little perspective as you two. Wife and I have been having a rough go of things lately. She and my moms arent seeing eye to eye on a lot of stuff, and I'm basically stuck being the mediator. Needless to say, I've had to workouts in the past 10 days. I started over again this evening. OH press and stuff with a little of the BB split.

OH Press
105 x5
110 x5
115 x7

DB Military
35 3 x12

supersetted with BB curls
45, 50, 50 3 x12

Pretty much ran outta gas from there. But I've been doing well eating wise and all. Been on a different kick lately. I remember something long ago C, when you said you raised you kiddos at the time veggietarian right? Quite a long story. I'll tell yall about it another time! ;) Prost

Monday, March 5, 2012

meditech sucks

hello... i hate computer charting. Sunday morning, I was pretty much caught up with everything patient care wise, and paper charting wise. I had a few things to chart in the computer, but it wasn't going to take me long. I finished giving report at about 7:15 and I was ready to head out.... uuunnnntil my nurse coach handed me a list. She said, "Here's just a couple things you need to check on before you go. Sorry I'm a tad anal about charting, teeheehee."

.... lead in rage against the machine.... "Cock the hammer, it's time for action!".................

8:55 am I put my key into the ignition. I was so pissed off I could hardly see straight. I could only mutter a smile whilst leaving. She said something stupid like, "sorry it took so long, Im a whore, maybe I'll get in a car crash on the way home....." I wasn't paying much attention to her by that time...

So anyway, on my off week, I did a lot of walking with the babybackpack and alyssa and the wifey. I did develop a bit of strange pain in the right hip area. It made me feel like an old man. I will attribute it to too much red wine. I've upped my intake a bit to much. So I stopped completely, and it went away.

Im starting the new cycle this week. Im gonna do the BB Split this go around. Its a longer workout, but Im gonna give it a go. Hows everyone doin?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

two two-six

well, I successfully finished my first complete 531 program. This week is deload week, so I think i will bike or do a lot of walking. Here is the last few days and my results.

Sandbag press
3 x 5 sandbags
squat sandbag
also 3 x5 sandbags...
well, you get the point

My real numbers are:
overhead press
95 x5
100 x 3
110 x5 Im gonna need to go up a tad on this one

240 x 5
270 x 3
315 x 3 ditto

bench press
140 x5
160 x 3
180 x 5 lather rinse repeat

180 x 5
205 x 3
225 x 3

All in all I feel accomplished. I really wanted to just get back in and complete one whole cycle and get ths soreness worked out. I will be goin up. promise... hows everyone else doin?

Sunday, February 19, 2012


well, I haven't missed any workouts. So I'll post them all, and then get sandbagged.

2/16 was squat day. This is the one I've really backed off on, because my knees were caving in.

Front squats
95 3x12, 15 x2. I just stuck it out again to really stay with form

Hanging leg raises
3 x 15

Saturday morning bright and early, about 6:30 I went out and did overhead press on the ol 5, 3, 1. It seems about the only time I can do anything by myself and not get accused of avoiding anyone.

95 x5
100 x3
110 x5

Dips with a 35# plate in my lap. 3 x10

BB curls
55 x5
65 x5
70 x5
75 x5 for 2 sets

DB rows
50 3 sets of 20, 12, 12
my form really started failing so I kept the reps low.

All in all, Im feeling better. The soreness initially was what I wanted to avoid. Its been subsiding pretty well. Do me a favor, and prayers this way. I'm having a tough go with this neuro ICU business. Its major time management, which I've never been good at, and not a lot of patient care, because you're always running around somewhere to check an alarm or vent or drain or ICP or CFS drain. Im trying really hard to be the responsible one and do what I know is best for my family. So, anywho... whats new with you lads?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

tissue plasminogen activator

hello... i had a crazy patient last night. i don't like crazy patients. but oh well, que sara.. biding my time. Got me a good workout in last night before work. I just did the main lift. but it did prove effective.

150 x3
160 x3
170 x10

Its quite amazing what a little pissed off adrenaline will do for you. ahhhh...

ok, so I'm changing my diet. I am very fixated on these numbers. I'm not so much worried about the hemoglobin test. I know working out will keep me young and receptive to insulin. But the triglycerides and ldl are really bothering me. that seems like a big jump and i didn't think I had changed my eating habits much. I might do a food diary. yall ever do one of those??

Saturday, February 11, 2012

bludd labbz

Well, according to my recent fast and following blood draw, my health is a in pretty good shape. Normal ranges for the individual markers are as follow:

Triglycerides- <150 mg/dl Normal range, low risk
my level- 76 mg/dl

LDL cholesterol- <100 mg/dl Optimal LDL cholesterol, corresponding to lower, but not zero, rates for symptomatic cardiovascular disease events.
my level- 94 mg/dl

Glucose- After a 12 hour fast, a range of 70.2 to 100 mg/dl is normal
my level- 89

Glycosylated hemoglobin (hemoglobin A1c) Normal levels 4-5.9% - In diabetes mellitus, higher amounts of glycosolated hemoglobin, indicating poorer control of blood glucose levels, have been associated with cardiovascular disease, nephropathy, and retinopathy. Monitoring the HbA1c in type-1 diabetic patients may improve treatment.
my level- 5.1%

BMI and blood pressure- BMI- 26, BP 110/72

All in all I can't complain. I wish I could find the labs that I had drawn before we did the velocity diet. Im thinking my LDL and cholesterol were lower back then. Oh well. Im sure with getting back into being active that will help of course. Anyway... later suckas!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

day before tomorrow

Did a short workout last night. GOt the overheads and the barbell curls. It was around 11:30ish, so i opted to do a tad of it rather than just the main lift.

OH press
95 x3
100 x3
105 x7

BB curls
45 x5
55 x5
65 x5 for 3 sets

Im really trying to concentrate on form, depth, and control for everything. I feel like im taking a huge step back, but I know Im not. So its all ok..

Going in for night number two tonight. The charting system we use is super old and super redundant. But oh well.. the pay is acceptable, so I won't gripe.

Also, a grand round of applause for G on the new job, and also for cody for being super fertile!! Love you both!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

monday the seeexth

well, I am on the eve of my first night with MC Plano. I have a bit of butterflies i must admit. Been up on the workouts too, which is nice.

bench on sun eve
140 x5
150 x5
160 x7
DB bench w 50s for 10x3
kettle bell swings witha DB 50s 10 x3

It all went up well. Form is strong and Im only a tad sore today. Just looking to get back into some heavier stuff. Well... gonna let the wifey catch a napp real fast. dueces

Friday, February 3, 2012


Quick post, gotta go to training early this am at 730. Worked out tues and thurs. It makes so much of a difference not having to drive 63 miles both ways. I just walk out into my garage!!

Starting 5-5-5
90, 95, 100
easy, just wanting to remind my muscles that they are intended to do work.
I ocmpleted the rest of the workout, just dont remember it at this moment

240, 255, 270
Nice and middle of the road. Didn't have to blow an eyesocket, but wasn't really hard. I feel pretty centered right now. I do feel that everything is going well. Oh, and I had to do bloodwork for health insurance the other day. I'll share that with you uns when it comes in. Until later chaps!

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Good afternoon friends- I have decided to make an appearance. I have been lost upon cardboard boxes and newspaper. I have finally gotten everything unpacked and have managed to clean everything up. I have caught up on my school schedule, and now I'm looking to update everyone on my livelyhood.

I start my new job monday with the Medical Center of Plano in the Neuro ICU. It plans to be promising. I have a six month contract, so if it doesn't pan out, I guess all will be well, considering there are a plethora of agencies I can work for up here.

I eagerly await the arrival of me weight rack, so I have a place to hang my plates! hehe It is going to be stupendous getting home 10 minutes after work instead of an hour and a half. I can go straight into a workout when I get home, and then off to bed. Then I wont have to arise 2 hours before Im to be at work. Ahh the city... good to be back into civilization. I do miss my pal though :(