Saturday, January 28, 2012


Good afternoon friends- I have decided to make an appearance. I have been lost upon cardboard boxes and newspaper. I have finally gotten everything unpacked and have managed to clean everything up. I have caught up on my school schedule, and now I'm looking to update everyone on my livelyhood.

I start my new job monday with the Medical Center of Plano in the Neuro ICU. It plans to be promising. I have a six month contract, so if it doesn't pan out, I guess all will be well, considering there are a plethora of agencies I can work for up here.

I eagerly await the arrival of me weight rack, so I have a place to hang my plates! hehe It is going to be stupendous getting home 10 minutes after work instead of an hour and a half. I can go straight into a workout when I get home, and then off to bed. Then I wont have to arise 2 hours before Im to be at work. Ahh the city... good to be back into civilization. I do miss my pal though :(


c said...

Good to hear from you! Don't get too citified out there. we still gun' hafta do some man trips, and you're gun' hafta be strong enough fo' it. i'm plannin' on gettin' me a bike soon's i can afford one. And stay on yer blog more'n twice a year, wouldya.

R6Medic said...

definitely dude!! man trips! and yea, sorry its been so ling since my last post.. got the internet rolling now, so im good.

c said...

There is a rumor that you've a huge red power rack in your immediate possession. So i 'spec in a month or 2 you goin' be all jacked and huge and all, yeah?