Thursday, April 12, 2012


well, lets see... it is now thurs, april 12th. I am 34 today. I am still in pain after the bike wreck! hehe Nothing is broken, according to xray that I got on tues morning. I got a fistful of vicodin that i intend to pick up today. Needless to say this has thrown a kink into what was to be my workout. At least I can get absolute rest though, for the next four days, without school or work bothering me.

How is everyone else doing? C, are you completely done with escuela?


c said...

Spent all yesterday Lortabbed, m'self. i 'spect they intentionally put that APAP in the Vics so you won't wash 'em down with likka. Stoopid pharmas. But yeah, i'm practically finished with schoo'. i'm required to attend graduation and present on my thesis thang, but it's all trivia from here out. Main thing is i've gotta pass my boards in May. So i'm studying more now than i have at any time up to this point.

Congrats on nothing being broken, and on the time off. And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

R6Medic said...

I totally agree, thats why Im takin the narko in the am, and drankin in the pee-em.

And super congrats on the finishing school. Im still trying and debating and pondering what Im gonna dew with the BEE ESS INN

c said...

Well, least you get paid whilst deciding. Not a bad position to be in.

Pappa G said...

Go anethstesia! You were born to gas people.