well, I haven't missed any workouts. So I'll post them all, and then get sandbagged.
2/16 was squat day. This is the one I've really backed off on, because my knees were caving in.
Front squats
95 3x12, 15 x2. I just stuck it out again to really stay with form
Hanging leg raises
3 x 15
Saturday morning bright and early, about 6:30 I went out and did overhead press on the ol 5, 3, 1. It seems about the only time I can do anything by myself and not get accused of avoiding anyone.
95 x5
100 x3
110 x5
Dips with a 35# plate in my lap. 3 x10
BB curls
55 x5
65 x5
70 x5
75 x5 for 2 sets
DB rows
50 3 sets of 20, 12, 12
my form really started failing so I kept the reps low.
All in all, Im feeling better. The soreness initially was what I wanted to avoid. Its been subsiding pretty well. Do me a favor, and prayers this way. I'm having a tough go with this neuro ICU business. Its major time management, which I've never been good at, and not a lot of patient care, because you're always running around somewhere to check an alarm or vent or drain or ICP or CFS drain. Im trying really hard to be the responsible one and do what I know is best for my family. So, anywho... whats new with you lads?
Well you'r doing less sandbagging on squats than i. i will call "sandbagger" on the overhead presses. Sandbagger.
You can do what i do when she says, "It feels like you're just avoiding your family when you're always working out." i just raise my eyebrows and look confused and say, "well, yeah. You think i'd work out like this if i were single?" Heh heh...
And prayers being spoken for you. Neuro icu's a funny place for adhd boy. Just remember that minding those drains is pt care, and they'll thank you for it when they pop outta that coma. Plus you'll find the rhythm, and it'll feel easy after a while. But i'll pary for you.
Hey man, sandbagging or not, showing up is the most important part. Keep hitting your sessions and your numbers will come up soon enough. And some good family avoidance to keep yourself healthy is not a bad thing. I'll be praying for you.
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