Wednesday, February 15, 2012

tissue plasminogen activator

hello... i had a crazy patient last night. i don't like crazy patients. but oh well, que sara.. biding my time. Got me a good workout in last night before work. I just did the main lift. but it did prove effective.

150 x3
160 x3
170 x10

Its quite amazing what a little pissed off adrenaline will do for you. ahhhh...

ok, so I'm changing my diet. I am very fixated on these numbers. I'm not so much worried about the hemoglobin test. I know working out will keep me young and receptive to insulin. But the triglycerides and ldl are really bothering me. that seems like a big jump and i didn't think I had changed my eating habits much. I might do a food diary. yall ever do one of those??


c said...

i've done food diaries several times. Good stuff if you can actually measure things accurately. i find that they incite you to eat the same exact thing for every meal. But i didn't think yer lipids looked bad. Maybe i'll have another look...

R6Medic said...

both are still optimal, im just referring to the amount of change in 3 years... it appears lot of drinking does serve a purpose ;)

Pappa G said...


c said...

And i'm'a go with Pope G there: what's up with 3/3/10? You afraid you're gunna blow up a pec?

R6Medic said...

geeez, take it slow and try to work in form and all, and you get punched in the balls.... with friends like these.. ;)

all im tryin to do is get a good base under me. i was a tad too liberal last time and my knees kept shootin in.