Friday, December 4, 2009

The day after yesterday

Well Id say its officially winter. I just finishing cutting some glass with m'nipples!! Good grief I think its 30 degrees now. I went to walmart tonight to buy a new heater... guess I wasn't the only one with that idea. I left sans boxed warmer.

Well, its good to have the new young un here. Im a new unofficial uncle! Young Kellan has proven that you don't have to have a good lookin daddy to be pretty yourself! haha I'm glad everything came through without a hitch.

Well on a final note, I have achieved a new PR. I am now stronger than ever before.

295 x 5
335 x 3
370 x 2
I had a little left in the tank...
405 x 1

I have broken 400 pounds my fellow friends. I think I will now go ice this hernia!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is it ignorance? I don't know

So I frenquently find myself eating alone in the cafe. I almost always overhear people. Today was almost more than I could handle. Two girls, one of which was... buxom... was going on and on about how she doesn't eat this, or can't eat that because she doesn't like it... The funny part was how she said i have to count calories to stay where im at weight wise. It doesnt matter what else I do. I can stay on a treadmill for 5 miles, it just doesnt matter...
I wanted to ask her if she did the treadmill for 5 miles... Hehehehe

Well anyway...

Deadlift as follows
Warmup bar, 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 225 x 5
Working sets
295 x 5 315 x 5 335 x 5

Pull throughs 3 x 15
Situps 3 x 25

Needless to say im a tad sore today... Gotta sit through computer class now. My prayers are with you guys!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do men die before women? They want to!

well im back in the lab yet again this morning. I am quite encouraged. Thus far my lowest grade is an 86, but i did find two discrepancies, and informed my instructor. If you count that then my lowest grade be a 90. Not too bad for an ADHD in a quiet room all by himself all day.

Squats yesterday went well. I feel like im stronger than i have ever been before. My knees dont cave inward anymore. My depth is good. According to my log book, i have put on roughly 65 lbs to my squat and deadlift. I have a new PR at 205 on incline. I feel like a million dollars in the gym.

I don't see whats so hard about that to understand. Competing with yourself and bettering your body every day. Apparantly for some people, there's no point.

240 x 5 260 x 5 275 x 5

Speed skater squats
3 x 6 with 35 lb DB each leg

Ab wheel
3 x 15 im feeling this one this morning. I actually felt it all night, espocally when i got up to pee.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

a wee bit sleepy

Well, here i am for another week of reading through manuals and material on the internet, getting smarter hopefully. I only have two weeks after this if i stay on schedule. So we'll see...

By the way, i can't believe i've blogged twice now before you chodes did. What a bunch of losers you are.

I'm gonna go hunt down some percollated coffee beans before i drool on the cafeteria table...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


well, i didnt think it possible for someone to be able to use an operating system from 1999. I've restarted, and going on 8 minutes of... Wait, there it goes. Guess the running scripts finally got out the blocks.

Last night workout went as follow
Bench press
45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 2 seperate attempts. Bounced one off the saftey bar. Also my PR. I will attempt a new PR at the end of next schedule. It looks 400 deadlift might fall. Im not so sure about the 300 bench. Might be a pipe dream, but we shall see. Anyway, back to cardiology. Hope every is doing well...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Good morning.. Im sitting in the cafe at hendrick, savoring what was my breakfast of 1 small french roast, 1 sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, and three fried egg whites because the asian gal misunderstood me when i said three
fried eggs. Oh well though, it was quite tasty. Beats powered eggs and boiled bacon.

Well kodee, how goes the waiting for the interview for school? Any news? And hows the wife and her labor? Hopefully thats taken care of as well. My prayers continue to flow north/northwest.

Also, the ball continues to roll. You should ask glenn about that one. Till next time my fine de-feathered enemies.

Monday, October 26, 2009


Whats up peeps. Well I officially started my new job today. I however only went to a CPR course. Blah Blah. It was kinda fun. Tomorrow is nursing orientation. Not sure what all is going on. I know I have a test to take on computer. Apparantly this is what they are going to use to make my orientation schedule. It will touch on the areas of ICU that I don't have lots of knowledge in. Im getting pretty excited about this job change! Thank you God!

Did the deadlife workout tonight. I feel like I am getting stronger finally. workout went like this

135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 5
290 x 5
350 x 3
370 x 2

2 sets of 8 on the good mornings. I was starving after this so I skipped the rest of the workout. I love working out. Its fun. I want to stab people with swords afterwards.

Well, whats new with all you people out there?? Ive been sending out prayers to yall. Everything well?

Monday, October 12, 2009

two weeks off

so this is my second day off officially from the full time at CHM ER. I have a few things I want to get done these next 14 days. Anyway, just thought Id check in and say hello. Much prayers going your way C. I know that must be difficult with the wee babe and the app for school. I'd love to get out under the sky and get some fresh air.

As for you G, prayers going your way as well. And prayers that I dont surpass you on the bench today! *snicker*

Thursday, October 8, 2009

That's mantastic!!

Well, started the day off proper. Got up at 1:00 pm, ran some errands for dad, fed the dog and the cats, went home and got back into bed with the wife! Got back up at 4:00ish and got ready for what is the new PR of deadlift for me. The workout went as follow;

95 x 5
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 1
345 x 1
385 x 1 New PR (this is officially the most weight I have ever picked up, leg press dont count)

good mornings
Weighted sit ups

I was super pumped. I think 400 might fall by the end of the year. Anyway, back to the grind. Talk to you fellers later!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Good Mernin

Well hello chaps. Top of the morning to ya. Its 0514, and I'm ready to go nighty morn. I actually can't wait to get out of here, these peeps are driving me crazy.

I have actually figured it out though. Sandy and I had a good talk the other night about why I have such a problem working in Sny-town. Do you ever feel bored or dispondant about where you are in life. I am so frustrated with where I am right now its sad. But I've figured out the problem. I get zero satisfaction from this place. I don't feel like I make any difference at all. I don't use any brain power, I don't leave here every morning a better person, and I take nothing from this.

So its time to move on. Glenn heard bout it, but sorry I haven't told you yet Cody. I took a new job in critical care. Its in a CICU in Abilene. Pretty neat huh. Im kinda, no Im really excited. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a bust... I don't think it will.

How bout that bike trip this weekend huh!! Im psyched! Hows things out in the Northwest there C? Gotten any snow yet?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Check this out

Ok so I have a new website that you have to see... i literally peed my pants.. figuratively...


So Monday was interresting. The workout played out like this.

2 Board Bench Press
215 x3
230 x3
240 x6

I don't remember much else after that, because we wanted to go hunting quite badly. I have been thinking that eating more has helped bring more energy into the gym. I've mentioned on a few occasions to G that I don't feel as strong as I should be. That seems to be changing. Hopefully, 3 plates will fall by the end of the year. Thats my goal is to break 300.

Today felt good as well. Squats, which hasn't been my strongest point ever, are getting better. G was right here. Repetition. Today looked like this

245 x 3
260 x 3
275 x 5

I wasn't paying attention to how I felt on the last set when Glenn said "one more", and I was like Oh yea, I got some more in the tank. It was kind of humerous. Guess you had to be there.

Well, Im off to study some more ICU readings. Its an eventful night at work here in the ER. uhh bye

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dove Season

So who's ready to blow some winged creatures out of the sky? That'd be me. I need to get over to Gs house and get my reloader bouncin...

And by the way, sandy has clinicals tonight. Think mike would be down for a little get together?

I'm sleepy... its 4:15. Cody, when are we coming climbing again?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hello again

so its been forever since i've been here. sorry about that lads. Hows everyone been? I'm sitting here at m' job. Handin out penicillin and stuff. Just had a guy in here with a hugh scalp lac. I got to hold it open with retractors. It was gnarly.

So cody, hows the schoolin goin? Whats the final path you've chosen? I remember RN, then PA, but I don't remember.

Anyway, plans in the near future to get some new ink. Glenn and I talked about it yesterday going to lubbock and back. No definites on it yet, but definately in the future. Well, I hope this finds you all well. Talk toyou soon

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

missed a workout today

Well... the little lady required my presence today, so I opted to miss the lower body workout, in spite of the fact that this is where I need the most work.

On a high note, the floors are finished in the house.. it looks completely different. It is truly amazing. Did you go out and see it the other day G?


Thursday, July 16, 2009

whats up

Just sitting here at work... veggin out as usual. Had a pretty good workout today and tuesday. It was quite a sweat factory. Its been so fraggin hot its ridiculous. Today looked like this...

OH press 120 for 3, 125 for 3, and 145 for 3.
I think its important to remember your hand position on these. I found that if I keep my hands with pinkie on the line, I feel like I have more leverage.
then we did a pletohora of sweat inducing movements. These included
Front raises 3x12 20 lbs
Side Laterals 3x12 20 lbs
Rear Laterals 3x15 20 and 15 lbs my form was suffering
Barbell Curls 3x12 50lbs plus bar I struggled through these. I felt like I could take a little more of breather during the lift.

I think my biggest problem overall is my form. I'm going to suffer by not going heavier and concentrate on the actual movement.

Hows you lads been lately?

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Sorry for not staying on top of posting here mates. I've been painting and blah blah blah... We are almost, ALMOST done now.. We have the office to paint, and we have the floors to finish, and then we move in. So after we get back from dallas, its moving day. I expect all to help out.

Well, I got some good news just a second ago. Lead in: A week ago a dear friend of mine had a freak accident. Apparantly she had a heart attack, at 39, and had a near drowning in schlitterbahn. By God's grace she was revived at the park, taken to the hospital, and put on a vent for a few days. I learned that today she has been weaned off the vent, is now talking and responding appropriately. I pray that she makes a full recovery. I would appreciate yall's prayers as well. Her name is Becky. She got two small'ns around 3-4 and 6-7.

I love yall dearly. C- have a good time on the trip. Enjoy every minute. G- See you later this weekend Im sure. until later my brothers


Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Kinda early, not real sleepy right now. Thought I would go ahead and post up some stuff.

Yesterdays workout, very nice. Looked a little something like this

Not bad. The last one went up pretty easily. My PR is 345. I think that will fall to the wayside pretty soon. It was nice watchin mike yank up 505. And with G's blood all over the bar no doubt. ha It'll happen G. I know it.

Well, off this morning to Home Depot and Lowes to pick up some more supplies. Pray the AC guy figures out the leak. We could be moved in this weekend if he gets it fixed and the electrician gets the new panel put in! hooray! Its like cutting the umbilical all over again!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

How's the front window look? We finally got finished with all the window replacement! Im stoked.

Friday, June 19, 2009

friday... thanks?

Squat workout yesterday
250 lbs for 3
275 lbs for 3
285 lbs for 3
not bad... i played a prop in mike's tour of homes.

Overhead press today
110 for 5
135 for 3
145 for 3. This was my PR... not bad day

The rest of the workout was similar to getting punched in the balls repeatedly by a midget! have a good day lads

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What the H

So I thought this whole V diet was supposed to make you healthier. I'm confused. I went back and looked at the labs to make sure I had them right. Sure enough its all correct. So I'm confused as to what to do, because we had increased our aerobic exercise. I wasn't doing any at the time. I was taking the fish oil every day, and we were only eating once a week. The only thing I can figure is that it threw my body into a presevertation mode or something. Any info or thoughts??


Friday, June 5, 2009

post workout labs

well, i got my blood drawn tonight to follow up on the pre workout labs. I guess you can definately relate a drop in cholesterol, HDL, and LDL to diet and exercise. Pre workout lab and post workout comparison went as follow;

Pre workout was 126 Range of 133-199
Post workout was 119

Pre 53 Range of 30-200
Post 61

Pre 38 Range of 30-65
Post 31

Pre 76 Range of 60-100
Post 85

My risk factor went up to 3.84 from 3.32. I can't explain that. I think its because my triglycerides went up. I'm not sure I was fasting for a complete 6 hours. I dont' remember what time I ate this afternoon. That could be a factor. But at least I have a good idea where I stand as far as dropping dead from a heart attack. Hope you lads are well, and I will see you soon!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

After pics.. a little late

So it goes after, before, after, before... sorry for the grape smuggler underwear! haha

I agree with cody. Its hard to curve your cravings sometimes. I've overeaten a few times, and wound up feeling terribly full. To the point of rupture. bleh..

Overall I feel better though... weight wise, how my clothes fit... ok I can't think anymore.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

more like mission abandoned

I'm with g here. I got so tired of not eating anything for weeks at a time, I just couldn't take it. The target weight of 180 lbs was met with 178 lbs at my lightest. I am know properly broken down and I am ready to start lifting heavy. I did overeat a tad at glenns the other night, but I learned from that. I am only interested in putting the healthiest things in my body to keep the lard off m'mid section.

Tonight I had a tuna sandwich from subway with spicy mustard. I ate half a ft long, and plan on eating the other half a few hours from now. I am so ready to be back in the gym and lifting heavy I can't stand it. I am ready to hit the rock sides with you lads as well. Maybe one day soon we can plan a trip to see cody, after we go to red river and to the coast as well!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

T-minus 7 1/2 days

Well, lets see... At work, I'm down to 182. That puts me in at officially 14 pounds under what I began with. I'm vur excited, although my results seem bittersweet because you two haven't had the same results. As I've said before, I do think its because you two are losing inches and not as much poundage.

I am super stoked about 7 days to go though. My cravings have been getting bad. I've wanted to eat everything in site. Hotdogs, cheese, small children.. yea its getting bad.

On a different note, I have some good news as to my job. Well, not this job I currently reside in, but nursing in general. I'm going to start working perdiem after a while. I could work 2 days a week for an agency and get what I am making now. How bout that... thats awesome I think... more room for trips to NM, or the coast, or wherever for whatever. Well... one week to go. Been a fun trip lads.

Monday, May 18, 2009

"No, I am a uh.. meat popsicle."

So, I gorged m'self once again on the fruits of someone else's labors!! hahaha Pops cooked some t-bone, asparagus, mushrooms, and sweet potatoes. I whipped up a signature dish of G's of sliced tomatoes with feta, olive oil, black pepper and basil. I also sliced up some kiwi which was... scrumtrulescent shall I say! I don't think I've ever been this excited about food in my life.

I've just finished reading another chapter in The Shack (good book by the way G), and I also had two cups of hot chamomille and mint. yummy. And I am now on the way to bed. I love you all.. only another "fortnight" to go fellers. See you on the flip side of the skinny donut!


(measurements and pics tomorrow perhaps?)

Saturday, May 16, 2009

14 days out

ok, i have zero energy. My mom and wife say I am skinny. Mom says that I should stop. I'm not going to because I now its because we haven't eaten any fat in like two weeks. I'm gonna go make a shake now too.

Lets see... sandy bought a dress this weekend. It looks nice. More later when I am more awake!!! hahaha

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

just bout haffweigh

Well lads, as we approach the halfway mark, I have a story to share. We went to Dallas yesterday for t'wifes appt. We stopped by our friends andy and jenny's house and went to dinner. This was quite possibly the hardest task I have faced to date. The restaurant was a place called Sweet Tomatoes. It was a salad bar the size of Rhode Island. Chicken Tarragon, Broccoli salad, chicken salad, spinach, beets, jicama, bread and butter pickles, carrots, feta, blue cheese, spiral noodles, the list goes on and on... I sat there with my diet dr pepper. arghh... I want a two handed bastard sword to carry around to stab people with when they say "Would you like a bite?" Yes I would just second... **STAB** thank you

Well to date, according to the Wii, I have lost 5 lbs. I started at 186, and this afternoon I weighed 181. But the scale at work last week said that I was at 185. Thats 9 lbs. I'm going to weigh again tonight and see what the scale at work says. I need to do measurements again to see if my body has shrinked to the size of my calves! haha

Resist the cravings lads. We wil finish this.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day 8

health solid meal today!! healthy solid meal today!! Healthy solid meal today!! healthy solid meal today!!

As you can tell I'm a little excited about this. Still don't know what I am going to have. I'll probably be eating at glenn's today sometime. See you for the V-Burn about 3ish I guess.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Day 7... the aroma diet

Im sitting here at work.. cravings and all. My cohorts here at work just picked up MoMallees... burgers, fries, rye bread... and it smells like heaven dipped in honey and cinammon. I am going to gorge m'self on broccoli and cauliflower tomorrow at G's house.

Well, the diet is going well. To date, since I didn't weigh last week, I have lost 9 lbs. I'm going to get glenn to measure me tomorrow since I'm at work tonight. I'm feeling pretty good too. My skin has become a little less dry from all this water I'm drinking. Although I feel like im on lasix as well. Well, until tomorrow with the HSM!!! heck yea

And one more round of applause for G for dropping the BP to a substrastospheric level!! hoorah

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Dia Seis

Ok, so last night was rough. Not so much for hunger, while that was an issue, but more so for sleep. I was so tired about 4 am, I was doing the head bob thing. It was quite funny. Hank was laughing at me. I think the shakes went well though. I wasn't that hungry. I do miss having the blender, but hey, maybe I'll just eat the 2 tablespoons of PB tonight instead of shaking it up. Plus it didn't taste too good with the strawberry! haha.

On another note, I had some labwork drawn. I wanted to look at this diet with a scientific eye as well. I had a lipid panel done last night, which I've always wanted to do because of the zero family history I have. Here were the results.

Lab Value Range
Cholesterol 126 133-199
Triglycerides 53 30-200
HDL Cholesterol 38 30-65
LDL Cholesterol 76 60-100
VLDL 10.6 5.0-35.0
Risk Factor 3.32 0.00-5.00
Men CHD Risk 3.4 = <1/2 avg risk

So not knowing alot about what some of this means other than face value, I looked some of this up. Here is LDL Here is HDL
So I think all in all I'm pretty healthy. I'm going to post measurements and weight on saturday, but I'm going to wait to post the lipid panel until we are done with the diet. I don't like needles that much! hahah

Stay focused brothers! This is nothing!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

V-diet Day 4

Day 4 almost closed. I agree with G, the workout on monday was almost a joke, minus the overhead squats. I got m' arse kicked with that V Burn challenge... I digress.

I had a few things to add and ask. One, do you think that these nepa walks are important if I am working all day on the house? I'm not just sitting around, gettin a lot of work done, so just wondering.

Also, have either of you been having any cravings? I had a rough afternoon, but I made it ok. Nothing a quick prayer and focus won't fix.

Lastly, we're 4 and 5 days in... keep it up yall!


Sunday, May 3, 2009

V-diet day 2

Ok... well, I think I've found the proper day to have the healthy solid meal. Actually, G and I did. It's going to be the same day as your V-burn challenge. Damn it to heck... We got done with that killer of a workout and I was spent. I had to lay down after I got home under the fan to try to drop the core temp down. I thought I was going to spontaneously combust.

Thank God you called dude and splained about the HSM when you did. We left the house, went straight to S-water and I bought 3 NY Strip, 3 yellow squash, 3 zuchini, 1 yellow onion, 2 crowns of broccoli, and some carrots. I threw this together, no joke, in about 8 minutes. It was all done and on the table 20 minutes later.

Chris Suggart said to eat slowly, savoring every bite. Taste all the flavors, and take your time... Well B*LLSH*T!!!!!! I waited way too long to cook the last meal. I was on the steak like white on rice, a cup of sugar, paper plate, in a snow storm. I just finished eating and I think I might actually go into a coma. haha.

Anyway, I'm already planning next weeks meal. Salmon, rice, asparagus, 1 half a cow, and tomatoes with motzerella. teehee I cant wait. Hope yall are doing well. hasta


Saturday, May 2, 2009

V-Diet day 1

so its roughly 6:30. I woke up from my plumbing stupor last night at around 11:30. I worked all night, then went to the house straight from work to finish the sewer under the house. We did get finished finally. at 5:30. I was so tired I couldn't see straight.

I woke up from my stupor at 11:30 and decided to binge on chips and salsa, cookies t' wife made, a few beers and some bicardi silver. I also set up moms Wii.. I played that stupid thing until 3:30 or 4 am. They are addicting.

It is now 6:50. I caught myself about to sip what was left of the root beer I had leftover this morning. I'm about to pop a hot rox, load up a bag of supps, and head over to G's for the paintball? today.

I didn't eat at all yesterday through all the hard work and everything. I'm going to keep an open mind and a prayerful heart throughout today. First day of our new lives bros!


Friday, May 1, 2009

fat guy little drawers

look away... im hideous...

until June 1st...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I see your schwartz is as big as mine...

My kit came in yesterday! There is so much protein in this thing I can't believe. I was thinking, are we going to keep our log on this website? Day 1 through 28, with before and after pics, measurements and all? Just wondering... i've got some cool pics in a speedo!!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

not so bad

So I was listening to the radio again today. It was the christian station 105.5. There was this indian guy from deli or bombay, I forget. He was talking about the impoverished town of bombay. He was talking about the slums and how bad they were. Something like 5 million people in one slum around the city of bombay. He was reading in the paper and saw a picture of a child around 5 or 6 years of age lying in the middle of the road next to a dog. The child was drinking the milk of the dog!! I couldn't believe it. He went on to say how bad things were and how lucky we were to be born in civilized countries. How we worry about mortgages and payments, while these people have to worry about playing in sewage and not having parents..

I started thinking, you know this fast/diet that we are going to do... it isn't going to be hard. Compared to other places, 5 meals a day isn't even a reality. I think the amount of prayer and committment that we are going to put into this is going to give us a lot more than smaller waist lines. I think we are going to get a better understanding of who we are as God's children, a deeper understanding of what strong will is, and a better appreciation of where we are in the world today.

Does that sound completely off the wall?

Saturday, April 25, 2009


well im here at work... and I ordered the V-Diet today at 1:00 pm central time. It said that if I ordered it before 4:00 pm mountain time that it would ship today. I think it did, but im not sure which mountain they were talking about...

I'm getting excited about the diet. Im not sure if its excitement or if its worry... I get so hungry at work, but then again, Im not drinking 400 calories every 4 hours. And there is nothing but junk here as well. But we do have a cold water fountain and an ice machine, so thats not all bad. Whats yalls plans for when you are out and about and its time for a shake? Im gonna take a couple of buckets to work and carry some around in a bag with me, as well and carry around a couple of jugs of water so I can stay on track. I think we are all gonna need to be calling each other a lot to stay focused!

Until tomorrow,

Thursday, April 23, 2009

work thus far

I thought I'd show yall the work we have completed thus far on the house. Here are some pics. Comment if you please!


Monday, April 20, 2009

work in progress

well we more or less finished the tile in the shower. I went last night to install the shower guts... and there are no written instructions. at all. just pictures. I mean I work better by illustration but this is ridiculous. So thats going to be a fun time. Anyway, off to homedepot/lowes to exchange some ceiling fans and 2 sinks for the lavatory. I will update with pictures soon. hasta


Thursday, April 16, 2009

swingset my @$$

so dudes... i feel like I have osteoarthritis from my elbows down. I feel like I played mercy with samson for crying out loud. I don't know how people ever did it, working without power tools. That monstrous swingset/playground/climbing wall/monkeybar/great wall of china was amazing. It should have said for help, call Bob Vila. Dear God, please give me the patience... haha Im glad its over. I am proud of that thing though. C, you should see this thing.

Well, its 6:02 am... im bout ready to check out. Im ordering the V-diet today. I am so pumped, I can't even convey it. I cant wait... until laters brothers

Friday, April 10, 2009

the V diet commeth

well my fine feathered friends... im just lounging here at work with m' pall hank. We finally got all the losers cleared out. I had an epiphany tonight, and it was quite helpful actually. I found myself getting frustrated again (because of the non emergent condition of most of our patients), and I just stopped and thought to myself... Bryant, its been like this forever, and its not going to change. People are always going to come to the ER instead of the clinic. Work at your own pace, do your job, and then go home... its just work. Any my night suddenly got better. Nobody bothered me, and I just went about my business. pretty nice i must say.

just got through reading the program for the V diet. I think its going to be more difficult here at work, but not too bad. Im going to get a little blender, and we have an ice machine here too. I've read that some people find that ice makes the shakes more tasty because of the thickness the ice adds. Im getting really pumped to get back in the gym. Mostly just looking forward to july on the beach!! Have a good sleep guys. Im gonna go get coffee. Until later!!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tape and float

Man its been a few weeks since m' last post. So to update, Sandy is doing well. Shes stopped "leaking" which is nice for my shirts! haha. Shes still a little sore, and I wont let her do any work at the house, which is very frustrating on her part.

But this weekend Dad, Max, and I did get a lot of work done. I think we wil have gas and water to the house today sometime. I am almost done with all the sheetrock work in the bathroom. The rest of the bathroom is just beadboard, tile for shower, and linoeum, sp?, and then painting hooray!

Then back to work tomorrow night... I got to get on with an agency.. I dont like 5 days straight. Neither does sandy...


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Sigh of relief

SO... The last few weeks have been stress filled and I didn't even know it. I have a problem of not dealing well with problems. I put on a good facade if you will, even to myself, and I more or less pretend to be ok. I really think I am ok, I just need to learn to deal with stress a different way I think.

Long story short, I lost it today. Sandy went into surgery shortly after 8:45 this morning. I left and went straight to the liquor store. I felt kind of strange actually being the first person in the booze outlet. Haha, actually its kind of funny as I sit here and reflect. I bought a flask of bicardi, because i had a coke from mcdonalds, and an IPA called Ruination. (I think we had this one in Albaqwerkee. I never can spell that anyway...) And I proceeded to finish the flash in about 1.2 minutes in the parking garage. This dulled the nervousness slash vomitee feeling for a bit. Until I went back into the waiting room and they weren't done yet. They said one and half hours. It was approaching 11:00... So, I came up with a lame excuse and went back to the car and proceeded to drink the rather large bottle of ruination. It was tasty... i think. I don't recall.

Anyway, fast forward to surgery over. I have a nice buzz now, but I can't enjoy it for obvious reasons. I walk back and she is SNOWED... Talk about funny. I got some good video with the ol phone. I'll show you soon enough. So everything is fine, I walk back and forth and guide family members and mom back and forth.. then I go back and sit with her. Shes coherent now, nausea medicine onboard after she yacked a couple times. I feel this, strange feeling come over me. I lean in to kiss her again, and I (from earlier) lose it. I hug her and I start bawling like a woman. I bury my head in her lap, miss the whole Doc come over and give explainations stuff... it was strange. Then I was all better.

I drove us all to souper salad, to frys, then back to the hotel. I slept for about 3 hours, and here I am. Typing it all down for you to enjoy. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Sandy says thanks. And I will send you all some nice after pictures! I lied! See you soon.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

computer charting sucks...

So check this out... I had a first today in the ol workout. Today was bench press. After I not only destroyed my 1 of 5,3,1 day, I also had a new PR. Here's how it looked.

Bench press
warm ups
205 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 2

I felt very strong after the 245... it was awesome. Afterwards we did lockouts. G went first with 315, and I thought what the hell... So I jumped in. I got 4 with 315! Then I did 335, got two, and two again. I felt like a million dollars. I think this regularly lifting schedule and gradually applying more weights might actually make you stronger. Im not sure, but Im developing a hypothesis. Muscle, under weight with regular schedule, recruits more muscle tissue to adapt to weight and grow stronger. What do you guys think? I think im gonna call the Journal of American Medicine and let them in on my secret. Im gonna be rich!

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I actually did some work in the sun today. I wasn't out there very long it seemed, but I did earn a sunburn. Turns out the house is finally falling into place. I can see the finish line my friends. I hung two new, prehung doors. If you ever decide to do that yourself, swallow a knife... I swear that I was about ready to blow something up on Sunday. It was so frustrating. Dad, Jimmy, Sandy and I were out at the house today as well. We thought we had figured out the septic tank dilemma, but we were sorely mistaken. We found another today whilst starting to dig a new hole for a new tank. Thats four thus far. 4 septic tanks for a small 3 bedroom 2 bath house thats around 1400 sq ft. But we got the hole cleaned out, no new brown trout infestation if you catch my drift, the new tank is in place with water filled in it, and most of the lateral line is dug as well. Now all we have to do is crawl back under the house and fix some seperations in the plumbing. shouldnt be hard.

Keep your fingers crossed that we have no more big flaws. I shall post some pics of the fun that we are having!! cheers

Thursday, February 19, 2009

60 grit aluminum oxide disk

Oh how my knees and back hurt. I have finally finished the living room floor with the angle grinder... now back to the random orbital sander to finish everything off to prepare for the staining. I wish I could just blink my eyes and make all this go away. Oh how i love living with the parents... haha... that was a slight joke. Im so ready to get out of the house its driving me insane. ok...

Update: I think the high deductible plan was a good bet... after all the diagnostics that have been run, we've about tapped the amount. So, Im happy, because after this, its all covered, 100%.

Im having a little trouble staying awake here at work with good ol Hank. Its rough when you dont have a lot of patients, but I think we prefer it that way. Well, prayers for all my friends. Talk toyou soon


Sunday, February 15, 2009

rocephin 2 g IVPB

Ok people, hows it going? I'm doing well. I'm sitting here at work with my partner in crime Angela just chillin... savin lives... haha. I just thought I'd drop in a line and say hello and I love all you's guys. It means a lot to both Sandy and I that everyone calls and asks how things is going with the looming surgery. So, thank you!

When is the next Muenster trip anyway????

Friday, February 13, 2009

cough, fever, congestion, repeat...

When I decided to become a nurse and venture away from the EMS world, I imagined a world where sickness was genuine. There were no more patients that woke you up for nonsense. I tell you, I used to get so angry in EMS when we would get a call at 0300 for a stomach ache that "I've had for 3 months". Well after cutting my teeth in the good ol hometown, I have found that its still the same ol clientel. I mean who comes to the EMERGENCY room for a "fever" or a "cough"? Call me cynical or pessimestic, but its very disheartening. I guess that I'd rather be doing something else sometimes, like spending quality time with the wife, or working on the house.

Oh well, I move on.
Sandy and I are waiting on the insurance company to ok the surgery. We are planning on having a reduction any day now. We went and looked at pictures and talked to a surgeon. He was a nice guy and made us more comfortable about the procedure. I dont guess Im worried about sandy, shes healthy as a small horse. Its just the thought of her being sliced upon. She asked me if I would go in there with her for the duration of the surgery. My answer was in fact "Shit No". I dont think i could handle that at all. I'll keep everyone updated.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

highland games

So lads, I just found a website that has the schedule for all of north america concerning the highland games. Here is said website
I looked on this site, and apparently there is a scottish festival in march in MIDLAND of all places... Just thought I'd pass that one along.

Also, my prayers are with you G. I know thats a rough situation. Be strong!



Thanks a whole lot for the prayers again guys. Sandy got back from Dallas today, and all is well. The 1.1 cm mass in the right side that was biopsied on tues was benign. It was a fibroadenoma which apparently nothing other than fibrous tissue. They did a second biopsy today of the left side just to see what was causing the continuous enlargment. It was a mastitis complication and we will probably have to wind up having a reduction. But that's a lot better than "double mastectomy with reconstruction" that the bonehead "best surgeon around this area" said last week. I'm really glad that a didn't go to that consult because someone might have ended up with a black eye. I can't believe the tact, compassion, or logic that some doctors seem to lack. It's infuriating.

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone. I love and miss you all. Mostly you Cody, because I see Glenn every day. haha. But I still love you too G!

How bout an off day or perhaps a couple C. I think that might help the constant tendonitis... but hey what would I know.. Im just a nurse! haha

Thursday, January 29, 2009

black coffee

That's what I'm drinking right now. A big cup of dirty bean water. Its about the only interresting thing going right now. Its so funny my definition of emergency... then look at other people's and chortle.

Anyway, we did make it to and fro in one piece. Thats more than I can say for the two geese that flew into the engines of the US Airways in Manhattan. Talk about freaky. Think about being up at 3500 ft then el smacko... folks we're gonna put down in the Hudson river, because we can't make it anywhere else. Great pilot though, seriously... he's logged something like 20000 hours behind the stick or wheel or whatever you call it. Mannyhattan was a blasty blast. We're going back soon. Lots of stuff to do. The empire state building is high... and cold.. they caught me with booze on the way up, so no toast at 1100 ft. I got pics though. Vur nice.

So, also, got back from dallas today. Lots of ice. Also gonna need your prayers. Sandy had a biopsy on the right mammary. Keep your fingers crossed. We find out in the next day or so. I'll let you all know when i know. Take care lads. Talk toyou soon..

Monday, January 12, 2009

karate chop sandwich

Whats up lads... Im just sitting here with ye ol wife! actually, she's asleep on the love seat, and Im trying to set up a health savings account, while Im also watching mystery diagnosis. Its quite an intriguing show. I've actually got two of the last four somewhat right.

Sandy mention something earlier tonight about being married finally. Its like we don't have to hide it anymore. It feels quite nice. We went and watched Fireproof with Kirk Cameron tonight. Our church bought the rights to it or something. It was an amazing movie about being the husband you need to be, and how to appreciate her. Its pretty nice, I feel like I'm cheating or something getting this kinda info this early in the game. C

C- wish you were there man, but I understand brother. G- Im gonna keep helping you on the booze part. Im mighty proud of you to date. Keep getting up early doing your walking with the wife. Im on my nights now, so you have a permanent partner. The change is coming suckkas!!

Monday, January 5, 2009


Not sure what's going on today.. just got done stocking the ER down here at the trauma center in snyder (chortle).. I don't think I'm worried about Saturday. For some reason I think I should be getting cold feet, but I'm not. So thats nice... haha

I just realized that after Brandon asked me about New Years resolutions that I haven't stated any out loud. So here they are...

1. I was originally putting this one at number three, but then I realized, hey, this should probably be my number one priority for the rest of my life. I aspire to be the best husband possible. In this day in age, it's not uncommon for someone to be married and divorced 2 and 3 times by the time your 30. I'm not referring to anyone in particular, just the fact that society has taken a crap on morals these days. I am going to require help for this as well. I don't ever want to think badly or even resent my wife. I want to be able to give her everything I can and a husband, a partner, and as my best friend. (and advice will be greatly appreciated)

2. By December 31st 2009, I want to bench press 315. I realize that this will take an enormous amount of dedication, but I don't believe that it is undoable. I start nights on the 10th, so that will free up my 5'oclocks now. The wedding will be over with, so no more stress for Sandy, which translates into less stress for Bryant... The only thing left is the house we're working on. Which by the way is coming along nicely, thanks again Glenn for the angle grinder attachment. I didn't think that floor could look any better. But there is the first one...

3. I want to climb at least 2 pitches. I realize that this is a repeat from last year, but I had basically zero real wall experience, and I also lacked a vital part of the climbing equation... a partner with wall experience. It's a staggering thought having a belay partner that weighs less that half your body weight! haha After we left Las Conchas though, I felt great inside. It honestly brings your headstrength up to notch. "if I can rely on myself up here, the every day job and life itself is no problem."

4. I want to begin preparing for my path to CRNA school. I realized yesterday and last night that I'm not completely happy being a RN. I enjoy being able to provide care to people that need it. But I'm not happy taking orders. Not like a drill seargent, but from a doctor. I realized that I want to have a part in making the call, or interpreting information, and performing bigger skills such as anesthesia. I talked at length a few times with a close friend and I believe that this is the next step that I have to take in my life. After marriage of course.

There's my morning rant/rave if you could call it as much. Thanks for listening...