SO... The last few weeks have been stress filled and I didn't even know it. I have a problem of not dealing well with problems. I put on a good facade if you will, even to myself, and I more or less pretend to be ok. I really think I am ok, I just need to learn to deal with stress a different way I think.
Long story short, I lost it today. Sandy went into surgery shortly after 8:45 this morning. I left and went straight to the liquor store. I felt kind of strange actually being the first person in the booze outlet. Haha, actually its kind of funny as I sit here and reflect. I bought a flask of bicardi, because i had a coke from mcdonalds, and an IPA called Ruination. (I think we had this one in Albaqwerkee. I never can spell that anyway...) And I proceeded to finish the flash in about 1.2 minutes in the parking garage. This dulled the nervousness slash vomitee feeling for a bit. Until I went back into the waiting room and they weren't done yet. They said one and half hours. It was approaching 11:00... So, I came up with a lame excuse and went back to the car and proceeded to drink the rather large bottle of ruination. It was tasty... i think. I don't recall.
Anyway, fast forward to surgery over. I have a nice buzz now, but I can't enjoy it for obvious reasons. I walk back and she is SNOWED... Talk about funny. I got some good video with the ol phone. I'll show you soon enough. So everything is fine, I walk back and forth and guide family members and mom back and forth.. then I go back and sit with her. Shes coherent now, nausea medicine onboard after she yacked a couple times. I feel this, strange feeling come over me. I lean in to kiss her again, and I (from earlier) lose it. I hug her and I start bawling like a woman. I bury my head in her lap, miss the whole Doc come over and give explainations stuff... it was strange. Then I was all better.
I drove us all to souper salad, to frys, then back to the hotel. I slept for about 3 hours, and here I am. Typing it all down for you to enjoy. Thank you so much for all your prayers. Sandy says thanks. And I will send you all some nice after pictures! I lied! See you soon.
Bawling like a woman in such a situation is just the ticket. Good form. Bad time to find out you're a mean, wife-beater of a drunk. i'll keep on praying for you, and i'm REAL glad she made it through ok. Let me know if i can do anything, eh.
First you come up with some lame reason to quit working out and now you're crying like a chick. Are your man parts starting to invert?
Wow. That was really mean of me. I'm sorry. You can probably get by with blaming the tears on the booze.
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