Tuesday, November 3, 2009


well, i didnt think it possible for someone to be able to use an operating system from 1999. I've restarted, and going on 8 minutes of... Wait, there it goes. Guess the running scripts finally got out the blocks.

Last night workout went as follow
Bench press
45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 2 seperate attempts. Bounced one off the saftey bar. Also my PR. I will attempt a new PR at the end of next schedule. It looks 400 deadlift might fall. Im not so sure about the 300 bench. Might be a pipe dream, but we shall see. Anyway, back to cardiology. Hope every is doing well...


c said...

That's a bunch of weight, dude. i think i could push maybe 160 or so right now. And that's my kind of reboot, eight minutes is.

R6Medic said...

its rediculous right?? I cant imagine how impossible it must be when they have problems with this system!! Good thing its contained to the education dept.

c said...

Reading off a green screen in DOS builds character.