Thursday, November 22, 2007


Hello there all my fans.. Im am back in the area here... Right now I sit in the basement with the one the only, Glenn L. We are currently enjoying one of the finest scotchs ever. Its called Lagavulin. aged 16 years, and produces a smokey flavor that is quite exquisite. Wish you were here cody. Hope to see you soon!!

Friday, May 18, 2007


Im lazy... but in good cause. I have had so many vehicle problems in the past week I am ready to cry... but good with the bad. I sold my boat!! yay, and my piece of crap tacoma. in the shop 3 times in 2 months!! crazy. I bought a brand spankin new Toyota Carolla S, black/black. It gets in the neighborhood of 35 miles to the gallon. Im happy. Now I can save money instead of loose it!! Starting fresh on monday. Have a good weekend bros


Thursday, May 10, 2007


So I didn't get to the gym this morning... I had quite a shoulder workout yesterday afternoon on my day off. I helped a buddy build an electric fence, seven strands over about a tenth of a mile. Oh it was fun. I couldn't even scratch my head this morning. Lots of fun... well, see you tomorrow morning!! hahaha

Tuesday, May 8, 2007


Well this morning was especially dark and not cold. I thought about going back to sleep briefly, but then I realized that I had to still get all my stuff for this morning, and I would be late if I didn’t hurry. Well, anyway... the workout went smoothly for the most part. I have to get a belt though. I don’t feel safe anymore on squats. I am concentrating on the form of my knees; I was informed that I need to make them go out instead of in a little bit. Otherwise, I didn’t feel there 100 %. But it’s ok… a few more months, and I believe that I will be stronger... possibly moving if I can sell the house.


1 x 8 135
1 x 8 185
1 x 8 225
1 x 8 185
1 x 8 135
I really tried to concentrate on form. I felt like I could do more, but I don’t have a partner, nor a fine blue cowhide Inzer weightlifting belt like my cohorts now do I !!

Leg press
4 x 8 with 90, 270, 360 x2
I wasn’t feeling this lift today. I might start changing up with hack squats or lunges or something. What exactly does this work besides the intra pulmonary pressure?? I feel like farting out a lung.

Straight leg Dead lifts
3 x 8 with bar warm up
1 x 8 95
1 x 8 105
1 x 8 115
These felt really good. I like them

Leg extensions
1 x 8 110
2 x 8 140 New PR I struggled, but successful no doubt

Hamstring curls
1 x 8 110
2 x 8 140 New PR

I feel like I accomplished a little today. I want to finish this 6 week cycle up and then start mixing in something else. Maybe then start incorporating some climbing. If I can sell the house and move up to Austin, I might get me a membership to the climbing gyms. Who knows. Have a super day there buddies!

Monday, May 7, 2007


My goodness it feels good to be back in the gym. I had a good ol fashioned chest cold complete with the dark green sputum and yellow snot from the nasal canal. Nothing some nice antibiotics wont take care of. Well, lets see how I done this morning.

Bench Press
Warm up with bar 1 x 8
1x8 135
1x8 185
1x8 195
Move to HS
1x8 with 70 on each side
1x8 with 80
Not too bad. I think Im gonna do what Glenn suggested. Lift on regular bench, then move to hammer strength when it gets heavy. Sounds good.

Incline Press
1x8 with bar
1x8 135
1x8 155
I got a little pissed here. I saw a guy get onto the incline HS… no big deal, I figured he’d be there for a bit, so I was going to finish up on dumbbells. Did 1x8 with 50s I think, and I look up and after one set, the guy takes off with his paper. You remember this guy, ive mentioned him before. So I finished up on HS 1x8 70s

DB Flys
1x8 35
1x8 40
1x8 45

Standing Curls
1x12 with 60
1x10 with 70
I got pissed again here, remember the guy that always does something involving his biceps?? He stands right in front of the rack where noone can get to the weights. It pisses me off. Anyway, Im over my anger… wooosaw!!
1x8 80s I lost a little here… I struggled a little here.
1x6 70
1x6 70

Hammer Curls
1x8 40
1x6 35
1x6 45 this hurts… like getting hit in the face… after getting kicked in the balls

Concentration curls
1x15 30
1x10 30
1x10 30

I physically had no strength left in the ol arms today. But I feel strong. Haven’t lost much. Sorry about being sick. It wont happen again!! Ok…. Gotta study. Laters my bros

Monday, April 23, 2007


I was sick all last week. I made it the first day for chest.. but I had even a hard time eating, let alone mustering up the strength to workout. Im feeling better now, finishing up some antibiotics now. Im going to take the week off to recover and start again fresh next monday back home with glenn and the guys.

Cheers for now

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Tore the ol legs apart this morning. It was a nice workout. Finally didn’t see anything that really set me off. I do get a kick out of the guys that wear the skin tight under armor shirts that act like they are hard as nails. I chuckle inside.

Squats 5 x 8
1 x 8 135
1 x 8 180
1 x 8 200
1 x 8 225
1 x 8 245 new PR

I think I am going to have to invest in a belt. I got the depth I wanted, but was starting to feel uneasy in doing so. I didn’t pull anything, but it felt like I was teetering on the edge.

Leg Press 4 x 8
1 x 8 180
1 x 8 360
1 x 8 450
1 x 8 540

I was thinking that I was going to pop my lungs, but thankfully they didn’t!! ha

Leg Extensions 3 x 8
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 130
1 x 8 140 New PR

Hamstring Curls 4 x 8
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 130
2 x 8 140

I wanted to scream afterwards. I skipped out on straight leg dead lifts. Someone else was using the rack, and I didn’t want to mess with setting up a squat rack. That, plus the fact I was having a hard time standing!! Until Thursday


Monday, April 16, 2007


It really frustrates me when people use equipment to sit on when you yourself want to use said equipment. This same guy that does nothing but curls every Monday that I am there. Standing bar curls, and one armed DB curls… that’s all he does. Strange…. I felt good this morning. Really strong. Right now I feel like a diaper full of used Indian food.

Here we go…

Bench Press HS 5 x 8
1 x 8 45
1 x 8 55
1 x 8 90
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 115 New PR

Incline DB Bench 4 x 8 This is where kind douche was sitting in the HS machine flexing his “guns” and terrible looking ink. Its pretty!! Ha
1 x 8 40
1 x 8 50
1 x 8 60
1 x 8 65 Almost gave myself a frontal lobotomy with the 65’s

DB Flys 3 x 8
1 x 8 30
1 x 8 40
1 x 8 45

Standing Bar Curls 12, 10, 8, 6, 6
12 x 50
10 x 60
8 x 70
6 x 80 new PR
6 x 70 wanted to keep good form!

DB Hammer Curls 8, 6, 6
8 x 35
6 x 40
6 x 45

Preacher Curls negatives 15, 10, 10 I hate these so much… makes it hard to wash my hair afterwards
15 x 40
10 x 40
10 x 40

I can really feel a difference finally. I helped a buddy carry a grill made from an old heater treater… heavy as hell, but no prob! Feels good to see results!


Thursday, April 12, 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! And what better way to celebrate by pushing heavy stuff!!

I felt strong like ox today. I burned through the ol workout this morning. Its a kinda easy day to begin with, but its a heavy day. I wish I felt this good everyday!

Lat Pulls 5 x8
warm up with 2 x 8 "45"
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 120
1 x 8 130
1 x 8 140
1 x 8 150

Wide grip Cable Rows HS 3 x 8
warm up 1 x 8 with 50
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 135
1 x 8 150 I think I scared the ol lady next to me!!

DB Rows 3 x 8
1 x 8 40
1 x 8 45
1 x 8 50

Shoulder Shrugs 3 x 8
1 x 8 60
1 x 8 70
1 x 8 80

These felt great... I love picking up the heavy DB... it looks so scary and intimidating when you have to psych yourself up to do some weight. I think I scared myself!! hahah... Time for some BOOZE tonight! any suggestions??

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I hate life. Not really, I just hate my lazy ass!! I studied all day yesterday, did pretty well on the test I think. Can’t complain. Got home, stayed up watching Airplane!! Great movie… Got in bed to late, little sore from the batting cages this past weekend when I woke up this morning, little tired from not sleeping enough… and Im pissed off at myself now. I didn’t go to the gym this morning. Today was legs, and I can still go after work if I want, so today might not be completely ruined. I am in need of major motivation right now. I am on the precipice of becoming what I want, strong, movitated, living a healthier lifestyle… I am unfortunately lazy sometimes. HELP!! Good grief…. I sound like a little sissy baby girl!! Anyway… im gonna go drink some coffee. To bad its not at my house, with a little bourbon in it!!



Got up with a start this morning… even though it is Tuesday and I am posting this now. I had a great morning. Got some good sleep, which I have been missing thanks to school and studying. How on earth did I ever go to school from 8 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. It is beyond me.

Bench press HS 5 x 8 – I’m using the hammer strength exclusively now on bench and incline. It isolates much more of the chest, making me feel weaker, but we’ve discussed that before.
1 x 8 with 45’s
1 x 8 with 70’s
2 x 8 with 80’s ouchie
1 x 6 with 70’s failed on ol number six… toughy

Incline Bench HS
3 x 8 with 45 got hard at the end of the third set
1 x 8 with 50 blew a head gasket with this one

DB Flys
1 x 8 with 40
1 x 8 with 45
1 x 8 with 40
I’m getting stronger with this one. It feels yummy!!

Standing Curls
12 with 40
10 with 50
8 with 60
6 with 70
6 with 60

I got all the weight up… I was leaning back a little bit. I might need to go back down just a little to help with form… but right now I need to see some improvement.

Hammer Curls
8 with 40
6 with 45
6 with 40 Im liking these now. I can see improvement… its not a real difficult movement.

Isolation curls

I was hating life after these. Its such a mind screw with a 15 pound dumbbell. I reversed the sets though, and did it 10, 10, 15 instead of the other way around.

2 x 10 with 20
1 x 15 with 15 It was mighty tough mandinga!!! Week 5 marks today!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007


This morning I was running late. I hit the snooze a few times too many. I contemplated not going, but its easy when you can call yourself a fat loser enough that you can actually con yourself out of bed! I hauled azz up to the gym. It took a bit to get started, but all in all I felt pretty strong today. Might have been that heaping bowl of penne my lovely sandy made!!

Squats 5x8
warm up with bar, and 1 x 65
1 x 8 with 135
1 x 8 175
1 x 8 195
2 x 8 225 I got good depth on these, felt strong all the way through. Paradise City blaring in my ears helped a little as well

leg press 4 x 8
warmed up with 90
1 x 8 with 180
1 x 8 with 270
1 x 8 with 360
1 x 8 with 450
I love this machine. It is such an ego booster. You can push what looks like so much weight, but its easy. and it feels great. And when I say great, what I really mean is that Im suprised I didn't turn my rectum inside out.

Straight leg dead lift 3 x 8
did a warm up with the bar and 65 lbs.
1 x 8 with 90
2 x 8 with 110
felt a little tingle in the lower back so I went light with these.

Leg extensions 3 x 8
1 x 8 with 110
2 x 8 with 120

hamstring curls 4 x 8
I love this machine... i started telling myself it was ok to not do all 4 sets... very hard to not listen
1 x 8 with 110
1 x 8 with 120
1 x 8 with 130 oh sweet mommy
1 x 8 with 120

Im glad I made it to the ol gym today. Looking forward to walking like a drunken tard today at work!!


Monday, April 2, 2007


this morning was horrible. I felt just plain ol weak. I have had to make the jump permantly to the hammer strength machines. I dont' feel safe with the amount of weight I am starting to push. So Im having to get use to the isolation that the hammer strength machines provide, and I feel like Ive taken a giant step back. So heres what the program looked like this am. By the way, I was up at 5:15... it gave me a lot more time this morning. oddly enough.
Bench warmup 1x8 with bar, 1x90flat bench
1 x 135
1 x 180
hammer strength 3 x 180 these were rough, fatigued out the last set on 6

incline hammer strength
4 x 135

like I said, i feel like Ive taken a step back because I feel like Im using different parts of muscle. Is this right??

DB flys1 x 35
1 x 40
1 x 45

not too bad, felt stronger as the morning went on

standing curls
felt like a little sissy here
1x 12 with 50
1 x 10 with 60 (struggled on this one, so I went back to 50)
1 x 8 with 50
1 x 6 with 40 (crotch stain stole my bar)
1 x 6 with 70 everyone was working biceps today, so I figured Id give it a try. hard but not too bad

hammer curls
1 x 8 with 30
1 x 6 with 35
1 x 6 with 40

I was so glad to get out of the gym this morning. I had plenty of time and everything, I didn't feel rushed at all, but I felt soft, couldn't get motivated. I hope Im not already losing motivation. Any comments welcome.

Friday, March 30, 2007


Missed this mornings workout due to the parents being in town. I went into work early at 0630. It sucks, I was looking forward to a good workout, but oh well... I love my mommy and daddy (shes standing behind me right now!!!)

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Had a good day off on wednesday... except some king dork called me from my office at 0800 to ask me a question that anyone else could have answered. dorks...

Anyway, had a good workout this morning. Short one, but good.

Lat Pulls 5 x8
1 x 30 (warmup)
1 x 90
1 x 100
1 x 110
2 x 120

Cable Rows 4 x8, except you can't take the bars off the machines?!? so I did another hammer strength maching
1 x 30 warm up
1 x 90
1 x 110
2 x 120

DB Rows 3 x8
1 x 35
2 x 40

Shoulder Shrugs 3 x 8
1 x 55
1 x 60
1 x 65 i really like these

Had a good workout. Enjoyed the morning so far, but didnt sleep well last night.


Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Almost didn't make it this morning. I tried rationalizing going tomorrow morning... I honestly don't know what made me get up. But I did.. heck yea!

Squats 5x8
1x bar
1x 135
1x 155
1x 175
1x 225 Didn't get the depth I wanted, and I want strength through full ROM
1x 180

Leg press 4 x8
not sure how much the sled weighs, but weight wise..
1 x 90
1 x 270
1x 360

Straight leg dead lift... this ones fun... 3 x8
1 x bar
1 x 90
2 x 110 felt a little tingle from the squat attempt, but nothing serious

Leg extensions 3 x8
1 x 90
1x 100
1x 110 not too bad, got a little tough near the end

hamstring curls 4 x8
1 x 90
3 x 110 same as extensions.. took a little gritting of the teeth

I felt great this morning. I didn't struggle too bad. It would still be great with a spotter.

On another note, just to gripe a little. Why on earth would you do a super set whilst sitting inside the leg press machine. I walked up and saw this guy doing incline DB press... and I thought to myself, I've never seen an incline bench over there... oh wait... thats the leg press machine itself. Where are the staff or where is he getting his information. Talk about risking a herniated disk. Good grief...

Monday, March 26, 2007


Wen't salsa dancing friday night. That was an expierence. I had a blast with the ol lady. Saturday was spent recovering from the sweet nectar from the night before. Sunday.... did a little mountain biking with Sandy. That girl never ceases to amaze me. Im serious.. She pulled up on her trusty trek to a good 4-5 foot drop (gnarly for a newcomer) and all she did was ask if she could do it. I said get after it if you want. She takes a fast second or two and bam, nothing to it. She did a little up and over a log across the trail, didnt even stop to look... I tell you I love this girl!!!!

Today at the gym, had to switch over to the hammer strength machines. I wanted to go heavy, did my first 3 sets on a flat bench, but felt a little uncomfortable about going heavy without a spot.

I feel foolish asking the guy with the newspaper camped out on the flat bench to get off his can and help out... I can't stand that. Or the couple that just stands there and talks for an hour... I can do that at home, or over coffee. Lots cheaper than 360 dollar a year gym membership being used to work on your "game".

Pushed hard on the last two on the hammer strength, and went ahead and stayed with that on incline. I strained all the way through to the concentration curls... Oh God... and my arms still spasming at work. I love it!!

3 weeks in a row now... well on the way!


Friday, March 23, 2007


Man oh man.... I had the abdominal workout of a lifetime this weekend. The only problem is that it was an intermal workout... on the liver... with lots of booze. Navy rum... yum

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

First Blog

Well, was at the gym this morning. Got in a good leg workout from an old friend!! haha Its composed of pain and mostly agony, but it works.

Squats 5 x8 with 135 and 155
Leg Press 4 x 8 with 225
Straight Leg dead lifts 3 x 8 with 115
Leg Extensions 3 x 8 with 100
Hamstring curls 4 x 8 with 100

My goal for the last 2 weeks, and successfully I might add!! (good for me), is to get up at 5:30 am and go to the gym. After that, I've just mainly been working on form and ROM. its all about form first. Other than that.. i feel like crapity! tired as all get out, with school and work. Works good though... just need some sleep...