Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Say Hello!!

Well, we've survived the 6th day ok! I've put together that crying means 1 of 2 things so far.

1. My belly is empty, please put calories in liquid form into a bottle, heated to preferably around 90 degrees, place gently into my mouth as not to damage my delicate palate. Upon completion of me emptying said bottle of caloric intake, please gently pat me upon the back to bring up any air i might have swallowed, because this might cause some discomfort in my intestinal tract. I will then return to my peaceful slumber for an undisclosed amount of time, at which point this process need be repeated.

2. I have shit myself

Its been a great experience!! I am totally wrapped in this little girl stuff. I am carrying a MANtastic diaper bag, but its filled to the brim with every kind of pink accessory you can imagine!!!

See images below:


c said...

That thing IS yer man-card, baby! You got one of those, and folk know the boys function.

That is one cute li'l chicky. i'm looking forward to meeting her. Very fine work, bro!

Pappa G said...

it's a vicious cycle. You feed them to make them stop crying. They poop because you feed them. They cry because they poo. Proof positive that children are a divine practical joke.

Pappa G said...

It always cracks me up how big they can make a car seat look.

Chase said...

There she is again sporting the aggie wear. We really gotta get that kid some new clothes man! :-)

c said...

That is a car seat. i didn't catch that first time...thought she was on a couch.