Friday, January 21, 2011


Ok, so I'm a daddy now... Its 2:49 am right now, and i just gave Alyssa a bottle. Sandy's milk isnt in yet, and she's feeling like the worst mom ever. So i took man charge and gave the kiddo some grub, she passed out and all is well now. We're going to keep trying the bald headed milk jug, because its so beneficial for the wee ones. But a bottle of formula for sleep seemed like a good trade to me!!

On a different note, thanks for all the positive feedback yall! I feel so supported in my new roll. Its so new to have something to share in this world that is actually yours! A blood relation to you. I really love this feeling!

Well im gonna sign out and see if i can join the wife in lala land for a few coveted minutes!! Lots of love!!!


Chase said...

"bald headed milk jug" Freakin AWESOME!!!!!!

They are good for the wee ones, but we gots to do what we gots to do!

Pappa G said...

I love milk...and jugs.