well im back in the lab yet again this morning. I am quite encouraged. Thus far my lowest grade is an 86, but i did find two discrepancies, and informed my instructor. If you count that then my lowest grade be a 90. Not too bad for an ADHD in a quiet room all by himself all day.
Squats yesterday went well. I feel like im stronger than i have ever been before. My knees dont cave inward anymore. My depth is good. According to my log book, i have put on roughly 65 lbs to my squat and deadlift. I have a new PR at 205 on incline. I feel like a million dollars in the gym.
I don't see whats so hard about that to understand. Competing with yourself and bettering your body every day. Apparantly for some people, there's no point.
240 x 5 260 x 5 275 x 5
Speed skater squats
3 x 6 with 35 lb DB each leg
Ab wheel
3 x 15 im feeling this one this morning. I actually felt it all night, espocally when i got up to pee.
yeah. I thought about just peeing the bed a couple of time rather than sitting up to climb out. Those things are brutal.
It's the good hurt. And fine job on the PRs. i could use some of those m'self.
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