Wednesday, May 7, 2008

On to the 3rd semester

Thank you once again gentlemen for your much appreciated prayers. After a bullett-sweating of an afternoon, I came through in true fashion with an 81 of 100. I needed only a 71 to pass with a C, but I'm plenty happy with that. I guess nursing is where God wants me to be afterall. Well, until I see you all again...



c said...

i didn't see yer earlier post 'til just a few minutes ago, but i retro-prayed for you before i read this one. Congratulations, sir. That's a mighty good feeling. i just signed up today for physics, developmental psyche, nutrition, and algebra. Think i can get all but one of my prereqs outta the way in one semester. If i can tic all o' those off and ace the GRE, i might get in to PT school. Anyhow, for the moment i'm raising a Redhook ESB in your direction. Prost!

Pappa G said...

Yee-Haw! I raised a few bud-lights towards you last night. Raised a couple for you at lunch today. Probably raise ten or twenty tonight. All for you buddy. Congrats, eh?!