Well, I tried my luck on pork ribs this weekend. Didn't come out too bad. I marinated them for about an hour, then oven for about an hour and a half, then grill for 2o to 30 minutes. They were done completely, and not too dry at all. I have to say I think I did well for myself being the first time ever. This meat market that is down the road a bit is quite awesome. I bought 5 1/2 pounds of country style ribs, a 12 pack of beer, an oval link of garlic sausage, a bag of tito's tortilla chips, and 3 ears of corn for 19 bucks. The meat alone was like 10. If you ever get to come down here cody, we can meat poison the whole family. Just ask glenn, its quite tasty. I want to buy a shirt, like the one we got at fishers. OH, THEY SELL FISHER BEER TOO. I saw that today. I would've bought some, but I felt like it would be sacriledge. So I stuck with bud light. Well... I guess its back to the grind. Im going over case studies right now. Not real fun. One of these days cody, I need you to help me come up with something to hang my simulator board in the garage. Until later...
ha HA.. yeah them hangboards shor' nuff do work better if you secure 'em to something. Meat poisoning sounds... Well, frankly that sounds like what i've been doing for the last week or so. m' parents came up for the weekend. That's usually fairly unhealthy; but it seems like for whatever reason we've had meat a whole bunch this last week. And i am much fatter as a result. Spent three hours or so fri. evening making hamburgers and fried accessories, so i dig that sweet feeling of a nicely cooked chunk of livestock.
Oh, and just to be perfectly anal retentive, that'd be ein Stiefel. "Ein Boot" would translate to "a boat" in english. Nice pic though. Looks like yer tankard is lacking a refill. Nastrovya.
And i passed my genetics exam, so thanks for the prayer. Those retroactive prayers do work, see.
Cody, you've really got to get some culture and rent Beer Fest.
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