Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is it ignorance? I don't know

So I frenquently find myself eating alone in the cafe. I almost always overhear people. Today was almost more than I could handle. Two girls, one of which was... buxom... was going on and on about how she doesn't eat this, or can't eat that because she doesn't like it... The funny part was how she said i have to count calories to stay where im at weight wise. It doesnt matter what else I do. I can stay on a treadmill for 5 miles, it just doesnt matter...
I wanted to ask her if she did the treadmill for 5 miles... Hehehehe

Well anyway...

Deadlift as follows
Warmup bar, 95 x 10, 135 x 10, 185 x 5, 225 x 5
Working sets
295 x 5 315 x 5 335 x 5

Pull throughs 3 x 15
Situps 3 x 25

Needless to say im a tad sore today... Gotta sit through computer class now. My prayers are with you guys!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why do men die before women? They want to!

well im back in the lab yet again this morning. I am quite encouraged. Thus far my lowest grade is an 86, but i did find two discrepancies, and informed my instructor. If you count that then my lowest grade be a 90. Not too bad for an ADHD in a quiet room all by himself all day.

Squats yesterday went well. I feel like im stronger than i have ever been before. My knees dont cave inward anymore. My depth is good. According to my log book, i have put on roughly 65 lbs to my squat and deadlift. I have a new PR at 205 on incline. I feel like a million dollars in the gym.

I don't see whats so hard about that to understand. Competing with yourself and bettering your body every day. Apparantly for some people, there's no point.

240 x 5 260 x 5 275 x 5

Speed skater squats
3 x 6 with 35 lb DB each leg

Ab wheel
3 x 15 im feeling this one this morning. I actually felt it all night, espocally when i got up to pee.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

a wee bit sleepy

Well, here i am for another week of reading through manuals and material on the internet, getting smarter hopefully. I only have two weeks after this if i stay on schedule. So we'll see...

By the way, i can't believe i've blogged twice now before you chodes did. What a bunch of losers you are.

I'm gonna go hunt down some percollated coffee beans before i drool on the cafeteria table...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


well, i didnt think it possible for someone to be able to use an operating system from 1999. I've restarted, and going on 8 minutes of... Wait, there it goes. Guess the running scripts finally got out the blocks.

Last night workout went as follow
Bench press
45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 2 seperate attempts. Bounced one off the saftey bar. Also my PR. I will attempt a new PR at the end of next schedule. It looks 400 deadlift might fall. Im not so sure about the 300 bench. Might be a pipe dream, but we shall see. Anyway, back to cardiology. Hope every is doing well...

Monday, November 2, 2009


Good morning.. Im sitting in the cafe at hendrick, savoring what was my breakfast of 1 small french roast, 1 sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit, and three fried egg whites because the asian gal misunderstood me when i said three
fried eggs. Oh well though, it was quite tasty. Beats powered eggs and boiled bacon.

Well kodee, how goes the waiting for the interview for school? Any news? And hows the wife and her labor? Hopefully thats taken care of as well. My prayers continue to flow north/northwest.

Also, the ball continues to roll. You should ask glenn about that one. Till next time my fine de-feathered enemies.