Whats up peeps. Well I officially started my new job today. I however only went to a CPR course. Blah Blah. It was kinda fun. Tomorrow is nursing orientation. Not sure what all is going on. I know I have a test to take on computer. Apparantly this is what they are going to use to make my orientation schedule. It will touch on the areas of ICU that I don't have lots of knowledge in. Im getting pretty excited about this job change! Thank you God!
Did the deadlife workout tonight. I feel like I am getting stronger finally. workout went like this
135 x 10
185 x 10
225 x 5
275 x 5
290 x 5
350 x 3
370 x 2
2 sets of 8 on the good mornings. I was starving after this so I skipped the rest of the workout. I love working out. Its fun. I want to stab people with swords afterwards.
Well, whats new with all you people out there?? Ive been sending out prayers to yall. Everything well?
Houston sucks. working out in a hotel sucks. eating really good food in restaraunts by oneself sucks. sobriety isn't so bad though.
Dude, nice. That's quite a jump in deadlifting super powers.
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