Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Tore the ol legs apart this morning. It was a nice workout. Finally didn’t see anything that really set me off. I do get a kick out of the guys that wear the skin tight under armor shirts that act like they are hard as nails. I chuckle inside.

Squats 5 x 8
1 x 8 135
1 x 8 180
1 x 8 200
1 x 8 225
1 x 8 245 new PR

I think I am going to have to invest in a belt. I got the depth I wanted, but was starting to feel uneasy in doing so. I didn’t pull anything, but it felt like I was teetering on the edge.

Leg Press 4 x 8
1 x 8 180
1 x 8 360
1 x 8 450
1 x 8 540

I was thinking that I was going to pop my lungs, but thankfully they didn’t!! ha

Leg Extensions 3 x 8
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 130
1 x 8 140 New PR

Hamstring Curls 4 x 8
1 x 8 110
1 x 8 130
2 x 8 140

I wanted to scream afterwards. I skipped out on straight leg dead lifts. Someone else was using the rack, and I didn’t want to mess with setting up a squat rack. That, plus the fact I was having a hard time standing!! Until Thursday



Pappa G said...

Get a belt. INZER They're a bit pricey, but will last years. It's a lot cheaper than blowing your spine out your arse. If you buy a tapered belt I'll kill you. Fag.

c said...

i ordered an Inzer. The "Forever Buckle". Wish i could give you a product review, but i still haven't gotten mine in yet. i called 'em today and their orders from the end of march are supposed to ship this Friday. They make 'em after you order 'em and don't have any in stock (except black.) Apparently they use Hokaido cows' skin and must ween them, massage them and generally raise them through calfhood before they bleed 'em Kosher and fashion them into my bloody, avante-frickin'-garde, navy blue, not-quiiite flippin' black belt. But when i get it, i'll let you know just how fashionably it holds my intestines in place. And congrats on the PR.