Saturday, January 28, 2012


Good afternoon friends- I have decided to make an appearance. I have been lost upon cardboard boxes and newspaper. I have finally gotten everything unpacked and have managed to clean everything up. I have caught up on my school schedule, and now I'm looking to update everyone on my livelyhood.

I start my new job monday with the Medical Center of Plano in the Neuro ICU. It plans to be promising. I have a six month contract, so if it doesn't pan out, I guess all will be well, considering there are a plethora of agencies I can work for up here.

I eagerly await the arrival of me weight rack, so I have a place to hang my plates! hehe It is going to be stupendous getting home 10 minutes after work instead of an hour and a half. I can go straight into a workout when I get home, and then off to bed. Then I wont have to arise 2 hours before Im to be at work. Ahh the city... good to be back into civilization. I do miss my pal though :(