So, its september the second... I have nothing to add that is exciting or interresting. I have received a vasectomy, and everyone in west texas now thinks Im a retard because I don't want to have more children.. go figure..
Im resuming workouts on monday. The pain in my testiculars was mild, but any strain was definately detectable. I got an ace on a paper I wrote for school! I was quite excited about that. Never done that before ever!!
On another note, I looked for jobs near evergreen... I found quite a few. I think a climate other than equator could very well be in our future, in the near future!!
Sounds good to me. Get out while you can!
Wow. Evergreen'd be cool. So no mo' kiddos, eh? Was the wifey on board with that? i sometimes stare off into space, and think, "What, exactly, was going on in your brain when you sired numma 5?" But then i think i've got a way higher than average chance that one of 'em will like me enough to keep me out of a nursing home.
Way to go man, I need to go have my junk clipped as well. Maybe we could have gotten a group rate eh? Oh well...
I don't blame you for leaving Hell, er Snyder. I mean blistering heat, dust storms, tornadoes, drought, and hey why not earthquakes...
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