Friday, July 29, 2011


morning... its noon actually.. im hungry

i worked out a g house yesterday..

sqwat 200 3x5
OH Press 110 3x5
deadlift 265 1x5
puulupps 14, 5 (i was thirsty)

So I feel as if the strength is coming back along nicely. I have a headache a lot, similar to when I first started working out. Nothing aneurysm like, just stress from the load placed on them.

blahhh, blahh, blahh.... nothing really to add... school sucks too...


c said...

nice one. Stay with it. Strong work there.

i, too, am thirsty. So i'm having a Sierra Nevada Torpedo extra IPA. Only it's gone. So i will have another instead.

And amen to school sucking. Viva school sucking!!

Pappa G said...

Try water. And Midol. :)