Sunday, February 27, 2011


well... seeing as how the stress levels are rising now, with colic and screaming and such.. and seeing as how I have zero outlet now, no gym time, no sleep, nothing with which to vent upon other than the inner side of my cranial vault.. I am dropping out of this semester at USC. (university of scurry county)

Lemme splain... I have zilch for a memory, which I have learned is a side effect of stress as well. I forgot completely about 3, count em THA-REE, tests until last night at 9:30. Each par time was 2 hours. needless to say, I didn't even attempt any of them. Im kinda pissed at my family, partly because I think its their fault. If they hadn't been up my ass about coming to a birthday party of some foster children, and seeing alyssa... I woulda been at m'abode with plenty of time to spare to fail these tests on my own ....whatever...

I even had an ok grade in chemistry, which I was proud of. I was doing all the reading and watching all the online videos. I had around an 87. Plenty of room to bring that up with a few good test grades. Minus the one ding for not posting the correct amount of responses on a discussion board! Beside that fact that all of my answers were correct, I didn't congradulate enough of my cohorts on reaching the same conclusion and therefore earned a 67/100 on each post. That dinged the grade a tad.

I've resigned to the fact that I can go back to school another time. On the upstroke, I did find a school in the metroplex that don't require nutrition or chemistry.. hehe.. I think I already meet all the prereqs, so all that's left is to call these people... "Hello. Could I give you some of my hard earned wampum in return for no education and a slip of pressed tree pulp that says Im smart, so's I can use said slip and gain acceptance into yet another institution of higher learning?"

man I feel quite skeptical this morning. polar opposite of my last post huh...

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