Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fria's day

Well as we speak, im in the air between abilene and sweetwater. We just finished our second flight and are on our return home. I cant explain how much joy i get from doing this. To actually have a "job" that you wake up happy to go to, enjoy the people you work with, and sad when you have to leave because your shift is over... its a good feeling.

I hope this fjnds you all healthy and happy... but probably asleep is how it wil!! Haha. Sleep well my friends. Im right above you... at about 500 ft! ;)


c said...

Sounds a li'l mo' 'citing than my saturday. Wonder if there's any flight jobs for a PA. Gunna hafta look into that 'un. Be safe out there, dawg.

Pappa G said...

wonder if there's any flight jobs for washed out IT guys?