Hello everyone.. its early in the mornin.. the wife is upstairs takin care of the ill we admitted, me partner is catchin a little shuteye, and I'm playin paper toss on m' iphone. Its kinda addicting.
Been in a gym for a week and one day now. Just worked the soreness out today. Feels quite good. I have been loading up the backpack with around 40 lbs and going for a few mile walk as well. That feels quite nice also. Been taking the wife with, shes all smiles about that. Something strange has gone off I guess. I am strangely motivated. Perhaps it's a child, perhaps it's the new job.. who knows. But I like it.
Gonna fly twice this week, thurs and sat. Keep some prayers my way. I'm praying for memory! ha. For some reason I feel like I've forgotten all my emergency knowledge.. Should make for an interresting day! Take care lads. See ya soon!
It's all instinct by now. Just don't tell any jokes that will cause a crash.
Been a while since i've been on here. i'll pray for you anyway. Congrats on the wee girly. That's supercool. And maybe post up about how the flights are going, eh.
Good work. Keep writing such posts.
Sup B...
Keep comin to the gym man it's good to have you back in there with us. I've been really motivated lately too, maybe it's your baby... lol Probably just this time of year.
Peace and love homie...
i'd just like to encourage you to keep writing such posts. Good work.
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