Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello there again peeps-

Its early.. and I have a funny. If you ever feel down about yourself, I highly recommend working in an emergency room in some capacity. Not only do you get to see people that you perhaps know, or know their family, but you also, every now and then, get to see the people that you just knew would amount to something... and they are complete looooooooooosers... hehehe
I feel kinda bad about saying that, but I really get a laugh out of it.

On a lighter note... We're having a girl. I believe we have decided on Alyssa Wren. So, I hope all is well. I love yous guys!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Nien/ate/två tusen tio

Hello everyone.. its early in the mornin.. the wife is upstairs takin care of the ill we admitted, me partner is catchin a little shuteye, and I'm playin paper toss on m' iphone. Its kinda addicting.

Been in a gym for a week and one day now. Just worked the soreness out today. Feels quite good. I have been loading up the backpack with around 40 lbs and going for a few mile walk as well. That feels quite nice also. Been taking the wife with, shes all smiles about that. Something strange has gone off I guess. I am strangely motivated. Perhaps it's a child, perhaps it's the new job.. who knows. But I like it.

Gonna fly twice this week, thurs and sat. Keep some prayers my way. I'm praying for memory! ha. For some reason I feel like I've forgotten all my emergency knowledge.. Should make for an interresting day! Take care lads. See ya soon!