Saturday, May 16, 2009

14 days out

ok, i have zero energy. My mom and wife say I am skinny. Mom says that I should stop. I'm not going to because I now its because we haven't eaten any fat in like two weeks. I'm gonna go make a shake now too.

Lets see... sandy bought a dress this weekend. It looks nice. More later when I am more awake!!! hahaha


c said...
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c said...

Yeah. Forgive me, Friar Robertson, for i have sinned. It is 33 years since my last confession. i have lusted in my heart after fat-- saturated and unsaturated. i have coveted my children's cheese. i have considered indulging in an extra tablesppon of peanut butter. i have pica-like dreams that involve mawing down on handfuls of steak.

Tomorrow's Healthy Real Food Day. Hang in there brotha'. Jesus didn't eat anything for 40 days. Probably didn't make an anabolic monster out of 'im, but it didn't kill him. i have 52 minutes till my next shake, and i'm gunna go look for something distracting to do.