Whats up lads... Im just sitting here with ye ol wife! actually, she's asleep on the love seat, and Im trying to set up a health savings account, while Im also watching mystery diagnosis. Its quite an intriguing show. I've actually got two of the last four somewhat right.
Sandy mention something earlier tonight about being married finally. Its like we don't have to hide it anymore. It feels quite nice. We went and watched Fireproof with Kirk Cameron tonight. Our church bought the rights to it or something. It was an amazing movie about being the husband you need to be, and how to appreciate her. Its pretty nice, I feel like I'm cheating or something getting this kinda info this early in the game. C
C- wish you were there man, but I understand brother. G- Im gonna keep helping you on the booze part. Im mighty proud of you to date. Keep getting up early doing your walking with the wife. Im on my nights now, so you have a permanent partner. The change is coming suckkas!!
Congratulations, dude! i wisht i could'a been there. But i'm glad you're pickin' up the 411 early. you'll be happier for it.
haha. I was there! AKA - Boozey:G
Hey, I am proud of you guys. I was honored to be a part of it. As well, I was honored to uncork a flask and share a drink with you in front of your preacher seconds before he was reading your vows. Fortunately, i think, the photographers weren't present for that moment.
I'm surrounded by people who say they'll never get married or wonder why they ever did.
But I ask,"what the hell is passion without commitment?". Seriously, what kind of pus*y says he's passionate about something and then quits when it gets rough? No. He was infatuated by the end prize and believed that desire equals passion.
Let's look at it this way: You want to bench 315 in 12 months. You're current one rep max is roughly 225. This is not at all impossible, but it is going to be hard as hell and it's going to take a lot of commitment. It's going to take intensity and focus and a great deal of encouragement from your partner. It's going to take a mindset that can see past the defeats that you WILL suffer along the course.
All we're talking about is picking up some more steel. It's absolutely meaningless. And yet, marraiges are tossed aside the moment something more appealing makes itself available.
If you allow passion (like that of Christ's love for us) to saturate your marraige, it cannot fail. In ten years, you'll earn respect. In tweny years you could become "strong" in your marriage. In fifty years I believe we may begin to grasp why Christ referred to his church as his bride.
I don't believe that anything worth having comes without a price. True passion drives us to pay that price, no matter how high. I believe that you'll put up with the river of bullshit that I'll put you through to get to 315 by next January. What are you willing to endure to gain an awesome marriage over the course of the next fifty years? What are we willing to sacrifice in the name of the passion for our Lord to spend eternity together talking about road trips to climbing crags and the big weights that we missed? (Oh, and worshiping the One that saved us from a life of hopeless defeat!)?
We've been given an incredible opportunity to love or hate. In fact, we've been given an eternity to do either. I've personally been a witness to all three of us swearing to God that we would choose to love. I believe with all of my heart, that when it sucks the worse, if you look to God, He will remind you why you took that oath and empassion you to the prize. And, he will be correct.
PS. It took me a year to get my bech from 225 to 275. A year later I could triple 275 but could do no better than 305. I stayed at 305 for 6 months and decided to throw down some cash and build a gym in Mike's garage. After three months of chalk, loud music, amonia, and a group of guys cheering me on I broke 375. Shortly after, all my partners quit on me. I haven't pressed over 365 since.
Wow, G. Climbing with you, i wouldn't have thought yer forearms had that kind of endurance. Nice. "Being Pappa Gargamel" Good thoughts though; good thoughts.
i want a preacher i can not only share a flask in front of, but that i can share a flask with. Only, i think you have to be Presbyterian for that kind of thing (assuming you wish to remain Protestant), and then it all breaks down: might as well go hang out at a pub.
But i digress. As is generally the case.
Good thoughts.
You totally cannot still be slouching around nyc with that woman. How'd it go? Decide to make a go of it in Manhatten, or is it back to cowtown with yous?
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