Saturday, January 31, 2009


Thanks a whole lot for the prayers again guys. Sandy got back from Dallas today, and all is well. The 1.1 cm mass in the right side that was biopsied on tues was benign. It was a fibroadenoma which apparently nothing other than fibrous tissue. They did a second biopsy today of the left side just to see what was causing the continuous enlargment. It was a mastitis complication and we will probably have to wind up having a reduction. But that's a lot better than "double mastectomy with reconstruction" that the bonehead "best surgeon around this area" said last week. I'm really glad that a didn't go to that consult because someone might have ended up with a black eye. I can't believe the tact, compassion, or logic that some doctors seem to lack. It's infuriating.

Anyway, I hope all is well with everyone. I love and miss you all. Mostly you Cody, because I see Glenn every day. haha. But I still love you too G!

How bout an off day or perhaps a couple C. I think that might help the constant tendonitis... but hey what would I know.. Im just a nurse! haha

1 comment:

Maxim said...

My wife has a diagnosis fibroadenoma she visited her doctor last week and had what she thought was a skin tag removed from between her breasts. The lump of skin which was about the size of a pea had been there for approx. We have two baby daughters and would appreciate advice from people who may have similar experience and from those who can offers suggestions of what questions to put to the doctor.