Thursday, January 29, 2009

black coffee

That's what I'm drinking right now. A big cup of dirty bean water. Its about the only interresting thing going right now. Its so funny my definition of emergency... then look at other people's and chortle.

Anyway, we did make it to and fro in one piece. Thats more than I can say for the two geese that flew into the engines of the US Airways in Manhattan. Talk about freaky. Think about being up at 3500 ft then el smacko... folks we're gonna put down in the Hudson river, because we can't make it anywhere else. Great pilot though, seriously... he's logged something like 20000 hours behind the stick or wheel or whatever you call it. Mannyhattan was a blasty blast. We're going back soon. Lots of stuff to do. The empire state building is high... and cold.. they caught me with booze on the way up, so no toast at 1100 ft. I got pics though. Vur nice.

So, also, got back from dallas today. Lots of ice. Also gonna need your prayers. Sandy had a biopsy on the right mammary. Keep your fingers crossed. We find out in the next day or so. I'll let you all know when i know. Take care lads. Talk toyou soon..

1 comment:

c said...

The prayers you got, brutha man. Glad to see you made it back unbroken.