Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hump Day.. hehe

Did you ever feel like God, I don't want to go to work today? Not because I don't like my job... but Geez, Im a nurse now, and I could be making so much more money!! Haha. Just kidding. But in all honesty, I don't think I'm going to stay with the company I am with now. There have been a few of us that have gotten higher education such as an RN degree, and our manager refuses to give us raises. Even though we have been there a few years. So, its kinda sad because I like all the people, but its not worth me driving 100 miles round trip a day and spending 50 bucks in gas (God loves the Carolla!) and sitting in traffic for about 2 hours each way sometimes... if Im lucky. Crap I gotta go...



Pappa G said...

be a man. quit your job.

Abbye said...

Hey Bryant! Good to hear from you and see you're doing well. I'll have to read up on your blog to see what you're up to lately. Take care of you!

Pappa G said...

Right then. this thing doesn't do much if you're only going to post once a year.

c said...

DUDE fa' real. m' finger's getting tired from hitting refresh.

"Maybe now he's posted..."