Monday, June 9, 2008


well I failed the first test. I didn't study at all, so no big suprise. I got a 72 and didn't read at all, so I guess that's encouraging. anywho... Im just getting ready for class now. Boring, but who cares. I have 8 weeks to go till Im an RN. Or finished with the RN, I will be a GN until I pass the NCLEX.

Well, hows things going with everyone else? Im so ready to cut loose and go on about a 2 month hiatus from society. Any takers??



c said...

i'll put a bid in if you could use a long weekend. i went into algebra class on wed. right after we got home with Katja, and we were having a test i knew nothing about, so i'm curious to see how i did on that one. i'm dreaming of a beer just now. Anyhow, if you need a climbing trip, i'm down.

Pappa G said...

I'm startin to jones for a road trip m'self