Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I am one year older than 29 today. There is so much stigma attached to age these days it seems. I don't feel any older in spirit or actual physical health. Its funny to hear all these people say, "Oh God, I'm old. I'm not a kid anymore. I need to go get my hair colored, and my nails done." Basically it seems so we can all lie to each other about our age. Oh its OK, 30 is the new 20. Blah Blah Blah... I'm 30, and besides the fact that my blood pressure is high secondary to nursing school related to the fact that I'm not doing to well... That last sentence is called a nursing diagnosis... this is how twisted my world is right now. Arrgghh...
I hate actually trying hard on something only to be mediocre. I have been studying all week, even with my parents here, and it still feels like a moot point. Anyway... digression...

I am 30 today........ Is something supposed to happen today? Any new insight? Any wisdom bestowed or any birthright given?? Who knows. All I know is that I feel fine, just one year of age added. Well, I am going to Austin with the folks and I need a shower ASAP. I smell... like beer...



c said...

Umm, if you're planning on living to 90 then you're 1/3 of the way there. Anyhow, congrats mate: you're old, and now you don't have to dread getting that way anymore. If it makes you feel better, i turn 32 on thurs. For some reason it makes me kinda' nervous. i think i don't feel worthy of living as long as Jesus did, so i wonder if it's my last year. Fortunately, it ain't up to me. Happy birthday bro.

Pappa G said...

there you have it. Had you lived in Christ's time, you would have just graduated to manhood, or at least adulthood. Happy birthday to you bro. Mine's coming down the pipe pretty quick. I say, instead of dying our greys, we get tattoos and hangovers.

Cheers mate.

Pappa G said...

By the way. Mike and I will be on your doorstep next saturday night. Let's bar-B-Q.