Monday, April 28, 2008

D-Day +1

The german war machine has been defeated at the Battle of the Bulge.

I studied harder than I ever have and it has paid off my friends. I received an 88 of 100 for my efforts. Thanks for your prayers everyone. I will talk to you soon.


Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, one week after my "courtmarshall", my arm still stings a little. Not too bad though, considering the nerve damage that I hopefully dont have permenantly. Every time I touch the stitches, it feels like 1.21 jiggawatts is traveling up my arm toward my hand. Ahh you should see the pictures.

Well, I sit here at work, staring blankly at my Med Surg book. D-Day is monday. I, as well as half of the class, sit barely under the pass mark at about a 73. Funny thing is that a dept head sat in class with us, looked at a few tests, and decided that nothing being taught in class is what is on the test. Odd. I dont know what to do with that info.

Well, time to dish out some Xanax. My next sedation is here. Pray for me around 3 pm on monday, that I pass this test.


Saturday, April 12, 2008


Well, I am one year older than 29 today. There is so much stigma attached to age these days it seems. I don't feel any older in spirit or actual physical health. Its funny to hear all these people say, "Oh God, I'm old. I'm not a kid anymore. I need to go get my hair colored, and my nails done." Basically it seems so we can all lie to each other about our age. Oh its OK, 30 is the new 20. Blah Blah Blah... I'm 30, and besides the fact that my blood pressure is high secondary to nursing school related to the fact that I'm not doing to well... That last sentence is called a nursing diagnosis... this is how twisted my world is right now. Arrgghh...
I hate actually trying hard on something only to be mediocre. I have been studying all week, even with my parents here, and it still feels like a moot point. Anyway... digression...

I am 30 today........ Is something supposed to happen today? Any new insight? Any wisdom bestowed or any birthright given?? Who knows. All I know is that I feel fine, just one year of age added. Well, I am going to Austin with the folks and I need a shower ASAP. I smell... like beer...


Monday, April 7, 2008


I feel like a 400 pound giant ate me and then shat me off of a cliff... Every bone and muscle in my body hurts. But masochistically I like it. I had an absolute awesome time at the annual Red River trip. I am ready to go back.

What else... brewing up some hot dirty bean water.. I'm going to finish my care plan that is due today... then I am going to rest a little... And thats about it. I quietly await the hangboard and crashpad arrival. "In Transit" is just not a good enough answer. hold on I need to freebase some more aleve, advil, tylenol, mobic...... aahhhhhhh.... zzzzzzzzzzzz

Thursday, April 3, 2008


Here I sit upstairs, trying to get going on reading assignments. This happened last night, and many other nights, as well. I just don't feel like I have the energy to do it. I know I have the energy to do other things, just not studying. Here is the problem though... i am on the cusp of not passing this class. I am barely hanging on with a C average. Its not been because I haven't tried though. This nurse thinking is difficult to do. Any ideas on how to stay focused and rid myself of this deflating passivity?