Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Hello lads.. its been a while since I have said much of anything. An update... Im chubby after thanksgiving.. I did work out this morning. Twas deadlift day. Im wobbly like a newborn on the tippy toes. On other fronts.. I've decided that to make some quid, Im gonna do some strike nursing. Im applying for a California license as we speak. So, I'll cross my fingers. Alyssa is growing like a flipping weed.. "No, I Don't" and "mmmmmmmMY milk..." are her favorite sayings at this point. I'll be amazed if she makes it to 2!! I now fully understand why Male lions eat their offspring... How about nursing you ask? Well... I'm tired of playing with poo... And I am so jaded towards the critical care side now... I had to call to organ procurement team on my last 13 week assignment 8 times. 8 TIMES i had to let them know of an impending death or brain death. The last was a 28 yo girl... wow.... thats all I can say.. So, needless to say, Im taking full advantage of the surgery centers right now... nonsick people for the most part there. Hows yall?