Friday, July 29, 2011


morning... its noon actually.. im hungry

i worked out a g house yesterday..

sqwat 200 3x5
OH Press 110 3x5
deadlift 265 1x5
puulupps 14, 5 (i was thirsty)

So I feel as if the strength is coming back along nicely. I have a headache a lot, similar to when I first started working out. Nothing aneurysm like, just stress from the load placed on them.

blahhh, blahh, blahh.... nothing really to add... school sucks too...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

tuesday.. yup

Hello my fellow friends. Tis tues, or humpday eve. Im studying for a research paper now, well really avoiding it rather. I've been in the gym all the prescribed days except one. I was a wee bit tired thanks to the alarm in my house now! hehe But all in all it has been a fine learning experience. I have learned that you lose strength exponentially when you don't workout regularly. I have had to drop my numbers to grade school prepubescent girl weights. On a positive note, at least I can work solely on form, because I've heard thats what prevents injury.

Last night

175 3x5
OH press
105 3x5
255 1x5
3 sets to failure
I definitely failed
10, 10, 10.5 I wont be arrogant enough to call the last one successful.

I do feel like I've been getting stronger. Oddly enough, after the workout and shower, I feel like im putting off like 25000 BTU. I feel as if Im glowing hot. Does any else experience this?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

All that is Man Gym

First workout on the Muscle Enhancer 5000 is complete. Had some gnarly tuneage. I downloaded an album that g turned me onto. I am sad to say that I've lost quite a bit of strength since I've last worked out. But that just means more super hypertrophy right?!

Squats: 3x5 135
Overhead press: 3x5 95
Deadlift: 1x5 225
chinups: 3xfailure 8,8,8

Narry a sad showing, but nothing to be boastful of. I love the texas bar. I feel the paws are already starting their transformation.

So let the transformation begin!!! Day 1 down of 5,299... thats the day Alyssa turns 15, and the day she is also allowed to have a friend that is also a boy. God help him.....