Sunday, May 29, 2011

no sleep

well, its 6:08 now.. I've been awake since 4ish tossing and turning. I vow never again to enter the sun's ultraviolet beams without adequate salve applied to m'epidermis as to deflect said damaging lazers.

I liken the experience to the feeling you get.. you remember rolling around in the grass, shirtless, as a child playing outdoors? Its kinda like that, except magnified by about 17.5. I came up with this number because its not quite painful, just irritating enough to occupy whatever conscious realm of thought needed to deny any kind of useful sleep.

Im so pissed at myself for not being more mindful. Oh well... whats everyone's plans for celebrating memorial day? I think we are going to eat ribs with the family over in colorado city.

Here's an interresting note.. did you know that Memorial day was officially proclaimed on May 5th, 1868?

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well this morning makes it 30 days till I go back to the ICU. Pray that this wasn't a bad decision for us. Its been really tough on the wifey poo with all the dirt and dirt blowing, and dirt all around us, and dirt in the house... Im trying my hardest to give her something to look forward to, so I unloaded 2 cu yds of topsoil the other day in record time mind you! But I did give m'self a wee bit of a scorch. Im a touch pink. and its sore... and I dont think the nomex flight suit is gonna be forgiving at all. And we will probably fly our arses off since its memorial day weekend!!

On a greater note, I got all the stuff I needed for the man gym ordered! I pieced it all together, but all in all I think I wound up saving like 500 bones. So, I wont complain! Im kinda giddy! Well, off for some bean water, then gonna fly the friendly skies. Yall be safe today! For real! If yall are gonna highway it, be on the lookout for jersey shore with a bottle of whiskey and a mean swerve behind the wheel!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

change in plans

I have resigned my full time for part time in the flight position. I was getting bored of not doing anything all day. Since I have aspirations of going to CRNA school, I must get ICU experience. I have applied back to the very place the canned me over a year ago. I shall conquer and overcome! hehe

On a second note, I have decided to purchase my own workout station at my house. I too have grown tired of being stagnant. I very much like working out with G in his man gym, but I am married to a species that occaisionally makes statements without regard to rational thought. ;) So I think its going to make it easier to workout by walking 20 seconds to the barn vs an hour in drive time and an hour plus at glenns. So... that being said... Im proud of both yas that youve made a great effort in weight and school.

Well.. till next time fart smellers.