Monday, August 30, 2010


umm... I was thinking of starting up a blog... ha

Its 3:57 am now, and we have a whiny child with nothing apparantly wrong. Makes me wonder what kind of parent I'm going to be. No autopsy no foul? ha Well, what else is new... the fetus is starting to resemble a female, although Greg stated he's seen em turn male. Its common to mistake a female for male early on like this. Either way I think I'm happy. Originally I was bummed to think I was getting a girl. But then I was kicked in the shin by a very hyper and annoying boy that I wanted badly to kick in the throat. At that point, I realized that a young lass might not be so bad.

Well, I pray that things are going well for yous guys... C, hows steph after the opsy? Sandy and I went through that little scare a while back too. My prayers are with ya man.