Thursday, September 10, 2009

Check this out

Ok so I have a new website that you have to see... i literally peed my pants.. figuratively...


So Monday was interresting. The workout played out like this.

2 Board Bench Press
215 x3
230 x3
240 x6

I don't remember much else after that, because we wanted to go hunting quite badly. I have been thinking that eating more has helped bring more energy into the gym. I've mentioned on a few occasions to G that I don't feel as strong as I should be. That seems to be changing. Hopefully, 3 plates will fall by the end of the year. Thats my goal is to break 300.

Today felt good as well. Squats, which hasn't been my strongest point ever, are getting better. G was right here. Repetition. Today looked like this

245 x 3
260 x 3
275 x 5

I wasn't paying attention to how I felt on the last set when Glenn said "one more", and I was like Oh yea, I got some more in the tank. It was kind of humerous. Guess you had to be there.

Well, Im off to study some more ICU readings. Its an eventful night at work here in the ER. uhh bye

Friday, September 4, 2009

Dove Season

So who's ready to blow some winged creatures out of the sky? That'd be me. I need to get over to Gs house and get my reloader bouncin...

And by the way, sandy has clinicals tonight. Think mike would be down for a little get together?

I'm sleepy... its 4:15. Cody, when are we coming climbing again?