Saturday, July 26, 2008

Two weeks

well this is Saturday the 26th! I have exactly one week of class and clinicals, then the following week is the final. I figured out that I made the highest grade in class on the last test. I have never accomplished that task ever! I have to thank God for that one. It was totally cool going through the test going "I know this one... and this one... and this one." By the time I got done, I didn't know 7 or 8, but I apparently got all but two right.

Anyway, I am looking forward to getting another two degrees. I have no qualms of getting my bachelors in nursing. But I was definitely starting to doubt myself this semester about CRNA school. But now, I feel like I can do anything. With renewed spirit, I feel sorta unstoppable.

There will be a major throwdown in the vicinity after August 5th comes and goes. So prepare yourself mortals... for the greatest party of eternity... Well, at least of the year! haha. Hope all is well


Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who's really in control?

Have you ever felt like God puts you in places at the right time and place? It's happened a few times in my life where I actually had to sit back and think was that God, or just my wishful thinking.

Today was a good day. Minus the fact that I have been so wrapped up in studying for a test tomorrow that is very important. I have exactly three weeks left in nursing schoool, and it is coming down to the wire. It's gonna be a close one let me tell you.

But that was what my day was about. See, I saw a program this morning on Taoism. A guy that apparantly had a PhD in Taoism was speaking about life and how the Tao, by definition, was advocating a simple honest life. One of the things that he said was "When you were in the womb, you didn't have to worry about things. You just were. You didn't have to think about growing a nose or hands. It just happened. Also, don't get wrapped up into something too tightly. What happens when you try to grap water? It slips right through your fingers. You have to be gentle.

I took from that, don't hold on to things so tightly. It will all work itself out. God puts you where he wants you to be, and also, from my friend Glenn, this isn't whats important. Its a test among a long line of tests. Don't sweat it.

So going on through the day, I found out that a fellow classmate lost her father. That hit home, cause I lost mine while I was young. Suddenly, that big huge test that I was worried about didn't seem so important. Things were coming into perspective if you will.

Lastly, Sandy and I had talked about going and relaxing for a while at the river. We talked and stalled and finally decided to go. We walked and found a place away from everyone by another few people. We sat there for a while, when something caught Sandy's eye. It was a 7 or 8 year old boy that jumped in the river. He was swimming across, and it was kinda wide, with a current, but he was holding his own. Then he started kinda bobbing, and down he went. I bolted, followed by the guys that we were sitting by. We pulled him out with no problems. He was a little winded. I think his dad was more scared than he was.

So all in all, life is untimately the most important thing. Enjoy it, because you never know. And lastly, God truly does put us where he needs us to be.

Monday, July 14, 2008

july 14th

good morning all... im sitting here now contemplating studying. i have approximately 11 days until my nursing final. I am getting extremely nervous. I have to say without a doubt that this is the most difficult thing I have ever had to do. I'm all hopped up on strattera, sweating bullets, not sleeping, and I am balanced just above passing. Just like last semester. But I have heard the final is a beeotch. Anyway, I have lots to study, and I thought I would share my discomfort with yall. Any advice is gladly accepted. Prayers would be nice. Thanks
