Thursday, June 26, 2008

5 weeks

Hey there fellas. Its been a while hasn't it. Well, Im sitting here contemplating studying and going to sleep. Im a little sleepy there. Anyway, I have 5 weeks and 3 tests to go. Im going to study as hard as humanly possible so's I can come see yous guys more often.

I'm interrested in where to get all these highland toys. Hows bout a sword so's I can bleed someone. I think that should go into the contest. See how far you can spray blood with manflesh. haha

battery low.. going to bed


Sunday, June 15, 2008

bouldering's hard

I went yesterday to bull creek with sandy. Afterwards I felt like a no talent retard. I completed a few routes, three to be exact. I did each one 3 or four times. Gradually getting easier as the day went on. Geez... I was about ready to call the trip off after yesterday. But I stopped at whole earth on the way home to price some aluminum water bottles I read about, and I found a beta book on austin rock. Apparantly, I did 2 V0, a V1, and a V3. To be quite honest, I don't think the V3 is rated correctly, because the hardest one out there is a V7, and I couldn't get up that thing with a ladder and trampoline. After reading it though, I found out that I got half way up some pretty gnarly stuff. One route used to be termed austins hardest route, but that was probably 60 years ago. Anyway, this book had tons of stuff to climb. I think im gonna be busy after I get out of school. Because honestly, I don't think Im quite ready for 2 pitches yet.


Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday the 13th

I'm not a real superstitous person. I didn't realize it was friday the 13th until I heard someone else say it. It would be cool if there were a full moon tonight, and I found a penny laying heads up as I left work. Even more so if I caught a leprechan outside during lunch hour. Ahh the luck of the... wait.. never mind..

So I have 7 weeks to go in nursing school. Im trying to figure out what I want to do. Part of me wants to stay with the company I am with. The other half wants to move back to my hometown and build another house out in the country. Oh God, my neighbor a few houses up has an above ground pool, aka moat, sauna, petri dish, whatever you want to call it. But it sounds like the neighborhood has a giant air freshner running at all times. The mind numbing hum is constant now. And going outside on the porch to enjoy a beer or perhaps a glass of wine with the lady is a test in futility. I think I might go to jail for murder... wait murder is too soft of a description... for cannabilism... hahaha Anyway, I hate him.

Like I was saying, I forgot how much I enjoy the country life. I like being able to piss off my front porch and go dove hunting off the back. You know what I mean?? The cool thing is, if we do wind up moving back, we have the best place. Barn as well, a peach tree also!! and about 1000 acres of playland. Dude.. Im stoked. perhaps I could build an indoor climbing wall as well. Its gotta be like 20 feet high or so. Well... back to studying about otitis media...


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I love the hangboard. Just finished a little impromtu workout, and Im sweating balls... That might be because its hot outside though. It consisted of;

20 sec hang on large slopers
12 pullups on jugs
30 sec bent knee hang
12 pullups on jugs
2 x 3 pullups on jug and med 2 finger hold with first two fingers
repeated with middle and ring finger (stings a little)
finished out with 2x25 pushups TITS!

Feels good to notice strength. I can tell a big difference, more so than the free weights. It seems I can see a difference faster this way.

On the subject of the road trip, I will be done in august. I am thinking about taking 2 weeks or so off before I go back full time. We could tenatively plan something for then if yall would like. Remember dont forget Sandy. Shes down unless she has to work. I guess I should ask her first huh.. ha. Well, off to the shower and then to school. Hasta my brethren


Monday, June 9, 2008


well I failed the first test. I didn't study at all, so no big suprise. I got a 72 and didn't read at all, so I guess that's encouraging. anywho... Im just getting ready for class now. Boring, but who cares. I have 8 weeks to go till Im an RN. Or finished with the RN, I will be a GN until I pass the NCLEX.

Well, hows things going with everyone else? Im so ready to cut loose and go on about a 2 month hiatus from society. Any takers??


Saturday, June 7, 2008


Well here I sit at work again... dishing out xanax like its water. I wont ever understand claustrophobia. Especially when its in a 4 ft MRI. I can imagine so many things worse, like spelunking!! never. That is claustrophobia defined. Maybe if you were going to give me a million in wampum. I might consider it. But MRI... no problem.

Anyway, last night I did another workout on the board. I let my fingers rest a few days there. Felt really good. I mostly did pullups. Started off...

10 pullups - big jug
2x5 big jug and med 2 finger hold with both sides
dead hang with knees up x30 sec
15 sec dead hang large sloper
2x3 pullups large 3 finger hold and med 2 finger hold (ouchey)
2x20 pushups. Suprisingly the pushups were cake. It is nice to actually feel lighter under my own strength. I am getting excited about being done with school. I might take a month off and stay in the gym and on the rock for 31 days.

back to the weak-minded...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Ironically enough, I am sitting in class going over the normal processes of labor and delivery, after just learning of the birth of Cody's new child. As beautiful as it is to bring a child into the world, it sure ain't a clean and painless process. All I can say is hooray for the penis. I don't see how the ladies walk around with those things. Geez... more power to yall pink teammates. I'm a weakling, I would never be able to do the labor thing. Anyway, Im going to pee... the back teeth are floating...
